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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine News Read more from Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine News

Computer Science News Read more from Computer Science News

DCS Holds Alumni Reunion Event

The DCS hosted CS-ARC on the 22nd of March, with over 70 alumni coming to campus to reminisce and share their stories.

Tue 09 Apr 2024, 09:27 | Tags: People Highlight Outreach Alumni

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Chemistry Work experience 2024 a great success!

From July 10th to July 12th, we have welcomed 40 A-level students to the Department for a three-day Work Experience Placement for a taste of a career in chemical sciences.

Mon 22 Jul 2024, 07:45 | Tags: news, Outreach, Community

Life Sciences News Read more from Life Sciences News

Citizen Science: Know Your River

'Know Your River' is a new citizen science project based at the School of Life Sciences, funded by the Enhancing Research Culture Fund from UKRI.

The Know Your River Team, led by Dr Chiara Borsetto, is looking at the pollution state of rivers in England and their use for recreational purposes by using a citizen science approach. The project aims to raise awareness across the public on the issue of sewage pollution in rivers and associated risks to human health and also to engage with policy makers to help promote safeguarding of our rivers.

Anyone who is interested in rivers or using rivers for recreational activities across England can help by telling us how they use rivers and what their perception of river pollution is through anonymous surveys. You can also join in by collecting river water samples from across the River Severn, Thames and Humber catchment areas. The water samples will be analysed for presence of E.coli and other coliform bacteria resistant to antibiotics and the presence of selected antibiotics will also be monitored. We believe that citizen science can be a powerful tool to gather information about the environment we all live in. The deadline for participation is Thursday 30 June.

If you would like to find out more or be involved in the project, then please visit our website at and follow us on Twitter.

Tue 31 May 2022, 11:49 | Tags: Outreach Microbiology & Infectious Disease

School of Engineering News Read more from School of Engineering News

WMG News Read more from WMG News

Inspiring the next generation of engineers

Picture shows students on the work experience programme at WMGWMG at the University of Warwick's commitment to widening participation and fostering inclusivity took centre stage during a week-long work experience programme, aimed at inspiring local students to pursue a career in engineering.

The initiative was organised by WMG’s Outreach team and the University's Widening Participation Team to support under-represented students that might lack confidence or support when they consider a future in engineering. The High Value Manufacturing Catapult’s Inspiring Young Engineers project, which delivers engaging opportunities to students who might not otherwise have experienced the subject, also supported the week.

Throughout the programme, participants were mentored by WMG staff who provided valuable insights into various engineering pathways, research and careers.

Tours of the engineering facilities showed what research at a university is like - from battery development in the Energy Innovation Centre and automotive technology in the National Automotive Innovation Centre, to studying for an engineering degree at the School of Engineering.

The WMG Outreach Team also worked alongside colleagues from the University’s Creative Arts department who organised an arts-focused work experience programme to run at the same time.

The programme concluded in a celebration showcase where the students, from both the arts and engineering teams, presented their work to parents, carers,Picture shows Professor Stuart Croft opening the showcase celebration at WMG teachers and University staff, including the Vice Chancellor Professor Stuart Croft.

Reflecting on the programme, WMG’s Widening Participation Co-ordinator, Dr Phil Jemmett, said: “We ran this event last year with the support of the University’s Widening Participation team and immediately thought that we could scale this up, and share the model with a wider group.

“We are delighted to have had the Creative Arts stream on board because it shows how different skillsets and expertise is needed to create solutions that will actually benefit people. I’m proud to have been able to give young students an experience of how collaboration really happens.

“Throughout the week we’ve had ups and downs, challenges and successes – but that is what engineering is really like! Nothing works the first time, so the students have had to learn problem solving and resilience. I couldn’t have been happier to see all six projects from the engineering stream up and running at the final showcase – what’s more each one of them had elements and decisions devised by the students themselves.

“They have all grown in their abilities and confidence, and I hope that they take that confidence back with them to their studies, and future careers.”

This year’s programme follows the mission statement of the 2023 event, but with the addition of creative arts: “The University of Warwick's initiative reflects its dedication to providing equal opportunities in engineering and creative arts education. By empowering less privileged local students and challenging misconceptions about the subjects, they are nurturing a diverse talent pool that will shape the future of engineering and creative arts.”

The event was supported by a host of staff and student ambassadors including Phil Jemmett; Margaret Low; Caroline Cannon; Marie Diebolt; Alex Band; Bruce Guild; Megan Clement; Robin George; Harry Gillions; Liv Griffiths; Martin Hill; Myles Ing; Karen Kudar; Samuel Leo; Zarin Miah; Ihsan Muhaddisoglu; Umair Paracha; Bradley Peirce; Adam Rich; Shawon Shanto; Elizbieta Titis; Jingyi Zhao; Caroline Cannon; Gauri Verma; Oksana Trushkevych; Bill Crofts; Richard Carney; Vidya Narayanan; Bradley Pierce; Laura Copland; Jay Carter; Paul Philipson; and the WMG Facilities team.

Find out more about WMG's Outreach programme here: Outreach and Widening Participation (

Mon 22 Jul 2024, 14:51 | Tags: HVM Catapult Manufacturing Skills Outreach

Maths Read more from Mathematics Institute News

Maths Week England

A Maths Week England event will be held in the Warwick Arts Centre creative learning space on Sunday 19 November 1:30-4pm. There will be origami, loaded dice experiments, building the hyperbolic plane, and counting with Incan knots, and more! More about Maths Week England hereLink opens in a new window.

Maths Week England LogoLink opens in a new window

Thu 16 Nov 2023, 03:11 | Tags: Outreach

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