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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine News Read more from Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine News

SEM Faculty Prizes: Winners Announced

The SEM Faculty is delighted to announce it's winners for 2024.

Tue 16 Jul 2024, 12:27

Computer Science News Read more from Computer Science News

Best Paper Award at QEST+FORMATS 2024

Neha Rino, a PhD student in the Theory and Foundations group in the Department of Computer Science and a member of the Cyber Security group at WMG, has won an Oded Maler award at FORMATS 2024.

The Oded Maler award is a distinction presented for the best paper of the International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS). This year's edition of the conference was held in September in Calgary, Canada, jointly with QEST (International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems) as a common research forum dedicated to quantitative modelling, analysis, and verification.

Neha's paper, "Efficiently Computable Distance-Based Robustness for a Practical Fragment of STL", is co-authored with Mohammed Foughali and Eugene Asarin, both from Université Paris Cité and IRIF in Paris, France, where Neha completed the Master's degree (ENS Paris-Saclay) prior to joining Warwick.

Neha's paper contributes to the research framework of quantitative monitoring, which is the analysis of individual executions of systems which yields numerical output (real numbers), rather than binary yes/no. The paper formulates and solves, by an efficient algorithm, a new problem of this kind: computing a real number that characterises to which extent the given execution of a real-time system satisfies its specification expressed in Signal Temporal Logic (STL).

Tue 22 Oct 2024, 16:15 | Tags: Conferences Research Theory and Foundations

News Read more from News

Gengyu Xue won IMS 2024 ICSDS Student Travel award

Gengyu Xue, a third year PhD student, has been recently announced as one of the 17 recipients of the IMS 2024 ICSDS Student Travel Award. She is the only UK based recipient this year.

Fri 18 Oct 2024, 09:59 | Tags: Significant external talks, Prizes and Awards

Physics Department News Read more from Physics Department News

New Head of Condensed Matter Physics Group

As of 1 October, 2024 Professor Ana Sanchez will undertake the role of Head of Condensed Matter Physics group in the Department of Physics.

Fri 04 Oct 2024, 08:50 | Tags: announcements, Careers, Staff and Department, Faculty of Science

News Library Read more from News Library

Assistant Professor (1.2 GHz Facility Manager) Vacancy

We're seeking to appoint a Research Focused Assistant Professor to manage biomolecular solution NMR at our national 1.2 GHz NMR facility

Life Sciences News Read more from Life Sciences News

Science on the Hill: Mysterious Microbiomes

Science on the Hill: Mysterious Microbiomes
Tuesday 22 October, 5.30 - 8pm, IBRB, University of Warwick.

From people to plants, we all rely on communities of microorganisms… but how much do we really know about them? In this event there will be talks from Warwick researchers doing cutting-edge microbiome research and a range of interactive activities. Speakers will discuss microbiomes across a range of organisms - in mosquitos, plants and in different human body sites.
Book your tickets

Tue 15 Oct 2024, 17:09 | Tags: Event

School of Engineering News Read more from School of Engineering News

WMG News - Latest news from WMG Read more from WMG News - Latest news from WMG

WMG welcomes Research Fellows from South America

Professor Louis Piper, Valeria.Calani-San-Miguel and the two Visiting Research FellowsProfessor Louis Piper and his team, at WMG at the University of Warwick, are pleased to welcome two Visiting Research Fellows (VRF), Nicolas Palma and Arroyo Gomez, from Chile and Argentina, respectively.

The VRF programme, facilitated by the Faraday Institution, provides funding to UK universities to host exceptional academics, at the post-doctoral research associate (PDRA) career stage, for a period of six months.

WMG will support, supervise, and mentor the VRFs as they conduct battery research and establish new collaborations.

Thu 17 Oct 2024, 10:39 | Tags: HVM Catapult Research

Maths Read more from Mathematics Institute News

Sad passing of Jenny Bowskill

We are sad to report the passing of Jenny Bowskill, our former head of administration.

Mon 21 Oct 2024, 03:53 | Tags: Staff

News from Medical School Read more from Latest News

WMS student wins Obstetrics and Gynaecology prize

Third year Warwick MB ChB student Hannah Layton-Joyce has been awarded first place in the Tim Chard Case History Prize from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Thu 17 Oct 2024, 10:44 | Tags: news

Psychology Read more from Psychology News