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Health and Safety - Fire Procedure

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO 2005) requires the department to have a strategy to mitigate fire risk and manage evacuations in the event of an emergency. This policy addresses this for all staff, students and visitors in Physics.

Fire wardens

The department has decided not to formally appoint fire wardens but to provide clear instructions to all staff about what actions to take in the event of an evacuation. The rationale for this approach is that some of the spaces within departmental buildings have restricted access for safety reasons and are not readily accessible by fire wardens. This means that an area cannot be effectively "swept". All staff and PhD students are required to complete the mandatory Fire Safety Awareness training.

Emergency Evacuation

In the event of the fire alarms sounding continuously, it is the requirement for every person to evacuate the building quickly but without rushing.
The following guidelines should be followed:
  1. If you discover a fire, activate the nearest fire alarm
  2. Leave by the nearest safe fire exit in an orderly fashion
  3. Encourage others to leave with you
  4. Do not delay or return to collect personal belongings
  5. Close all windows and fire doors where possible
  6. If working in a laboratory, make systems and experiments safe if time allows
  7. As you leave the building take note of (a) any persons in any refuge area, (b) any obvious signs of heat or smoke and their location (c) any other pertinent information
  8. Senior staff will be stationed at the assembly point and will be liaising with Community Safety. Report any concerns or issues to them.
  9. Assembly points are:

a. Car park 10 next to the mechanical workshop for MAS, the Physics and Physical Sciences Buildings.

b. Adjacent to Millburn Hill Road for Millburn House

10. Keep away from buildings and roadways

11. Do not re-enter any affected buildings until given the “all clear”.

Fire Awareness and Mitigation

To mitigate fire risk, everyone should know the following:
  1. The route to the nearest fire exit and expected evacuation routes
  2. The nearest manual call point (alarm)
  3. Location of nearest fire extinguisher

There are staircases at each end of both Physics and MAS and an exit indicated off the concourse on level 3. There are two staircases in the Physical Sciences building. Buildings have security locks which are automatically released in the event of an alarm being sounded.

To reduce fire risk, the storage of flammable/combustible materials must be minimised. Flammable materials must be stored in fire-resistant enclosures and the location of gas cylinders in a laboratory highlighted on the laboratory notice board. Relevant information must also be uploaded into Quemis.

Fire exit routes must be kept clear at all times and fire doors must be closed unless fitted with an automatic door release. Posters must not be affixed to fire doors.

If you are hosting visitors or holding a teaching session, you are responsible for the people under your control to ensure you all leave the building promptly by the nearest escape route and go the nearest assembly area.

The fire alarm systems are tested every Thursday morning at around 9.00.

Head of Department

October 2023