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Press Releases

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Increase in the living wage is welcomed, but ‘more needs to be done’ says ReWAGE advisory group

The ReWAGE advisory group co-chaired by Professor Chris Warhurst of the Warwick Institute for Employment Research has put forward six recommendations for changes in public policy to help the low-paid in a new policy brief.

Urgent need to tackle mental ill-health in the workplace, says ReWAGE

The latest policy brief from work and employment think-tank, ReWAGE, argues that there is an urgent need to reduce rising levels of mental ill-health in the workplace and to help organisations retain and integrate employees with mental conditions.

Under a quarter of firms report that introducing AI has led to a loss of jobs

Less than a quarter of firms introducing AI technology over the past five years believe it has led to a net loss of jobs, a new survey led by researchers at the University of Warwick and the University of Sussex Business School reveals.

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