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Press Releases

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New study will uncover the links between adolescent disability and socio-economic disadvantage in early adulthood

A three-year study at the Department of Sociology of the University of Warwick, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, will explore why disabled young people in England experience social and economic disadvantage into adulthood. The fact that adolescent disability is generally associated with poor educational, social and employment outcomes in adulthood has been well-documented but the reasons why this happens are not as well understood. The new study aims to close that gap.

Award for University's Accessibility Innovators

The University of Warwick’s commitment to creating an inclusive and safe campus for students with disabilities has been recognised by its peers with the award of the Association of University Directors of Estates University Impact Initiative of the Year Award 2020.

Fri 17 Apr 2020, 12:17 | Tags: campus, Awards, innovation, Campus news, disability, access

Parents, researchers and charities join forces to create new resource for parents of children with learning disabilities.

The University of Warwick, Mencap, Cerebra, and the Challenging Behaviour Foundation have teamed up with parents of children with learning disabilities to produce a new Parents Guide, launched today in Belfast. The new guide presents hints and tips, backed up by research, for parents to use in their family lives to promote the well-being of their children and to develop positive family relationships.

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