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New Students 2020

For all those students joining us this autumn, we are pleased to welcome you to the Department of Physics. Please visit our welcome page for further information.

Wed 02 Sep 2020, 10:48 | Tags: Undergraduates

Pettifer Prize 2018-19


The Pettifer Prize is presented annually to the first year Physics student with the best overall examination performance. It honours the memory of Dr Robert Pettifer, who was a member of the Department from 1972 until his retirement due to ill-health in 2007.

The 2018/19 prizewinner is Adam Gore, who receives a copy of the Feynman Lectures on Physics. The prize was presented by Robert's wife, Mary, and daughter, Candice, who kindly donated an Amazon voucher to add to the prize.

Mon 02 Dec 2019, 15:15 | Tags: Undergraduates, Awards

Paul Goddard wins Teaching Award 2017/18

All undergraduates in the Department were invited to vote for who they would like to win the Physics Department Teaching Award 2017/18. The winner was Paul Goddard. The Head of Department, David Leadley, presented the award to Paul in one of his lectures this term.


Paul also won the Award in 14/15. The other winners have been: Neil Wilson (15/16) and Martin Lees (16/17).

Wed 20 Feb 2019, 13:57 | Tags: Undergraduates, Awards

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