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Upcoming Conferences

Society of Glass Technology Annual Meeting, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, 11-13/9/13

Oral Presentation: "The germanate anomaly in alkaline earth germanate glasses"

Conference Contributions

XIII International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids, Yichang Three Gorges, Hubei, P. R. China, 16-20/9/12.

Oral Presentation: "High Lead Oxide Glass Structure"

Society of Glass Technology Annual Meeting, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, 5-7/9/12.

Oral Presentation: "High Lead Oxide Glass Structure"

Second Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on Neutron Science : Bridging Elastic and Inelastic Scattering by means of Computational Studies and Analysis, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, 25-29/6/2012

Poster Presentation: "High Lead Oxide Glass Structure"

UK 850MHz Solid-State NMR Facility Annual Symposium, University of Warwick, 29/3/12.

Oral presentation: "B-11 double rotation NMR as a probe of local and intermediate structure in borate crystals"

International Conference on the Chemistry of Glasses and Glass-Forming Melts, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, 4-8/9/11.

Oral presentation: "Local Structure in Pb2+ Containing Silicate and Germanate Glasses"

7th International Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals, and Melts, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 21-25/8/11.

Oral presentation: "B-11 double rotation spin diffusion NMR as a probe of local and intermediate structure in borate crystals and glasses"

Iowa Glass Conference 2011, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA, 25/7/11.

Oral presentation: "Local Structure in Pb2+ Containing Silicate and Germanate Glasses"

Royal Society of Chemistry NMR Discussion Group "Postgraduate Meeting", University of Birmingham, 22/6/11.

Poster Presentation: "Double Rotation B-11 NMR Applied to Crystalline Borates"

Society of Glass Technology Annual Meeting, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, 8-10/9/10.

Oral presentation: "The Structure of Lead-Rich PbO-SiO2 Glasses"

NCM11 - 11th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, Paris, 27/6/2010-2/7/2010.

Poster Presentation: "Total Scattering of Neutrons by PbO-SiO2 Glasses With High Lead Contents"

Society of Glass Technology Annual Meeting, Lancaster University, 16-18/9/09.

Oral presentation: "Devitrication Kinetics and BaB4O7-Ba2B10O17 Phase Diagram"

Other Presentations

Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Postgraduate Talk, 20/1/11

"The Structure of Glass"

Conference goers at Les Cordeliers, Paris, during the NCM11 meeting


The port of Halifax, as seen from the banquet boat, during the Borates 7 meeting