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Grant applications for access

PI about to submit a grant application: Please complete this form (after reading the below information)Link opens in a new window

Once the result of your application is known, please complete this formLink opens in a new window

As a continuation of the procedure for time allocation from 2018 onwards, for the 2020-5 funding period, academic users are encouraged to apply for grant funding to meet an access charge of £917 (+ VAT i.e., £1100, unless a VAT exemption for medical research applies in the case of a user carrying out their own experiments) per day.
Successful applicants will be allocated time at the Facility directly, i.e., without having to apply for time via the time allocation panel, provided that the PI has obtained outline approval from the Facility prior to submission of the application.
The procedure is:

(i) The PI on the grant application fills out the form (see above link) before submitting their application.

(ii) The Facility Manager, after clarifying any queries with the PI, provides a technical assessment of the viability of the proposed high-field NMR experiments – this must be submitted with the grant application. A procedure had been agreed for UKRI applications using JeS, i.e., indicate the use of the High-Field Solid-State NMR Facility, the total number of days (“Units”) and the total access charge (including VAT where applicable, “Cost”) in the Research Council Facilities tab. In addition, the total cost must be added as a separate item under “Other Directly Incurred Costs” with the “Is Exception” boxed ticked on the JeS form – check that funds are added to the total at 100% requested value. The equivalent in a Funding Service application is to specify the finances as Exceptions/ Other, and state the number of days and the per day rate specified on this webpage in the Facilities section. In the case of an award being made, please check the award letter is awarding the costs at 100%.

(iii) The PI is asked to inform the Facility of the outcome of the grant using the above form. Where the grant is awarded, time is allocated directly as per the number of days in each specific time allocation period as stated in the submitted webform. Note that confirmation of funding must be received by the Facility prior to the time allocation panel meeting in order to be allocated time in that corresponding time allocation period (this meeting usually takes place ~6 weeks before the start of the time allocation period). If a PI wishes to make a change to the distribution of allocated days, they must submit by email a short (~1 paragraph) justification to the Facility Manager 2 months before the start of the first time allocation period for which a change is requested - the decision on approving the requested change will be made at the meeting of the time allocation panel.

Note that the funds to access the facility on a grant award are paid to the host institution (not directly to the Facility at the University of Warwick). The process of transferring the funds to the University of Warwick is: the host University issues a purchase order to the University of Warwick stating the grant number, and the number of days funded in the specified 6-monthly time allocation period. It is requested that this purchase order is submitted three months before the start of the time allocation period.

Note that the Facility will provide a response to submissions via these forms within 5 working days.