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850 MHz Probes

The 850 MHz system has a Bruker Avance NEO HFXY console (GH000317) with an MAS III spinning speed controller

No Probe Status Comments
1 0.7 mm probe HXY N/C/H H148429

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2017)

not available

(June 2023)

2  Jeol 1mm HX probe

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2012)

3 1.3 mm probe HXY (+19F) conventional insert design H13863

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


4 1.3 mm probe HXY conventional insert design H179181

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2022)

5 Phoenix 1.6 mm HFXY probe

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2022)

6 1.9 mm probe HXY conventional insert design H177715

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2019)

7 2.5 mm HXY DBB (double-broadband) H13856

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


8 2.5 mm HX (+19F) H13889

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


9 2.5 mm HFX H13894

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


10 3.2 mm HXY DBB (double-broadband) H13857

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)

not available

(June 2023)

11 3.2 mm HXY low E field for biosolids LLC H13900 Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


12 3.2 mm HXY conventional insert design H13888

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


13 4 mm HXY conventional insert design (+19F) H13694

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


14 4 mm HX High Temp H160530 and no 11B background (NEW)

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2017)

no HT possible


15 4 mm HX (low gamma) H13892

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)

no 14N (Oct24)

16 4 mm HX (low gamma) H13892B (NEW)

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2017)

17 7 mm X (low gamma) H13895

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)



LASER MAS 7 mm X H175954

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2022)


19 DOR probe

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


20 Static H13971

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2010)


21 3.2 mm HCN LTMAS H13582

Successfully installed at U of Warwick (2024)


Maximum spinning speeds: 4mm probes 15 kHz; 3.2mm probes 24 kHz, 2.5mm probes 35 kHz; 1.9 mm probe 40 kHz; 1.3mm probe 65 kHz.
All 3.2mm and 4mm MAS Bruker probes are equipped with DVT stators and can operate between -140 oC + 150 oC (note that a different set-up is required for low and high temperature experiments).

Nuclei tested in Double Resonance Mode  

Nuclei tested in Triple Resonance Mode