Scott King
Supervisors: Steven Brown and John Hanna
PhD registration Period: Oct 2010 - March 2014
My research involves using solid state NMR techniques on a range of materials, mainly concentrating on disordered materials such as glasses. This involves a multinuclear approach, looking at both spin-½ and quadrupolar nuclei at a range of fields from 2.3 T up to 14.1 T.
J Couplings in Phosphate Glasses using the REINE pulse sequence
My current research involves utilising the REINE (Refocused INADEQUATE spin-Echo) (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2007, 9, 92-103) pulse sequence using 31P NMR on phosphate based glasses. From this technique distributions of J couplings present due to the large disorder throughout the glass structure can be determined. This is to be extended to series of glasses with the ultimate aim of obtaining better understanding of glass bonding in order to help build up a model of phosphate glass structure.
NMR is also a widely used tool in the characterisation of ceramics. Owing to their favourable properties and their ability to incorporate large amounts of doping ions, determining the atomic structure of the aluminosilicate material mullite has been important, with NMR a vital tool. In my research various mullite structures are to be investigated using a multinuclear approach with a range of NMR experiments. With the overall aim to determine how doping with boron ions affects the mullite aluminosilicate structure.
J.M. Smith, S. P. King , E. R. Barney, J. V. Hanna, R. J. Newport, and D. M. Pickup.
Hanna Lührs, Scott P. King, John V. Hanna, Hartmut Schneider, and Reinhard X. Fischer.
H. Lührs, S. Soellradl, S. P. King, J. V. Hanna, J. Konzett, R. X. Fischer, and H. Schneider.
Conference Talks
'Multinuclear Solid State NMR Investigation into Speciation and Structure of Aluminium Doped Phosphate Bioglasses', Presented at the BRSG Christmas Meeting: Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Institute of Physics, Dec 2011
'A Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Study of Bioactive Glasses', Presented at Bruker Users' Meeting, Solid State NMR Seminar, Hilton Hotel Coventry, Tuesday 13th November 2012.
Posters Presented
'Exploiting the Rich Information Content in Solid-State NMR spectra to provide a New Insight into the Structure of Disordered Materials.' RSC NMR Discussion Group Postgraduate Meeting 2011, University of Birmingham.
'Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Investigation into Speciation and Structure of Aluminium Doped Phosphate Bioactive Glasses'. RSC NMR Discussion Group Postgraduate Meeting 2012, University of Bristol.
'Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Investigation into Speciation and Structure of Aluminium Doped Phosphate Bioactive Glasses'. Solid-State NMR Symposium. Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, July 15-19, 2012, Copper Mountain, Colorado.
'Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Investigation into Speciation and Structure of Aluminium and Gallium Doped Phosphate Bioactive Glasses'. 18th ISMAR Meeting 2013, , May 19-24 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I mark second year undergraduate X-ray Crystallography lab (experiment P4) and demonstrate in the first year undergraduate Electronics Workshop.
Scott King
Solid State NMR Group
Department of Physics
Univeristy of Warwick