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Within tracking study protocol is published!

Check out our study protocol published in the BMJ Open. Free access to all. Link:

Mon 06 Feb 2023, 16:32 | Tags: paper, WITHIN

Airpain podcast

The WITHIN team were delighted to welcome Paul Evans, the host of Airing Pain Podcast, to the Warwick Sleep and Pain Lab for a podcast episode.

Paul interviewed our WITHIN Team members (Principle Investigator: Prof Nicole Tang, Research Fellow: Dr Kristy Themelis, PhD Student: Jenna Gillett and Research Assistant: Paige Karadag) and two of our study participants about the study, as well as taking part in the study as a participant himself.

Fri 02 Dec 2022, 15:46 | Tags: media, chronic pain, WITHIN

WITHIN in Canada

The WITHIN team attended the 2022 World Congress on Pain, in Toronto, Canada, during the last week of September. We got to present our latest findings and talked to colleagues and friends from different parts of the world about research. It's been a wonderful experience all round.

Wed 05 Oct 2022, 13:39 | Tags: suicidality, Talk, chronic pain, WITHIN

Our July newsletter is out

The Warwick Sleep and Pain lab have many new updates to share with you, from research opportunities you may wish to participate in to introducing our newest members.

Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone who might be interested, and, as always, thank you for your ongoing support and interest in our research activity at Warwick!

Best wishes & stay safe,
The WITHIN team, on behalf of the Sleep & Pain Lab
Professor Nicole Tang, Dr Kristy Themelis, Paige Karadag & Jenna Gillett

Fri 15 Jul 2022, 17:46 | Tags: news, Visit, WITHIN

IASP bursary award

Congratulations to Dr Kristy Themelis, who has been awarded an IASP travel bursary to attend the World Congress on Pain in Toronto this Sept! We look forward to seeing her and her fabulous teammates presenting their posters (based on the MRC WITHIN study) in this most high-profile event in the field.

Wed 13 Jul 2022, 23:52 | Tags: chronic pain, conference, award, WITHIN

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