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Open Call for CRiSM Collaborative Workshops

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The Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology (CRiSM) invites applications to organise research workshops in any area of statistical methodology at the University of Warwick.

Funding, administrative support and scientific input from within the Department of Statistics at Warwick is available to support workshops. Successful applicants will work with a member of academic staff within the department. Nomination of this local organiser is possible, but not necessary on application.

CRiSM has had 25 workshops since it began in 2005. All of these have been between 1 and 5 days in length and between 20 and 150 participants. It is anticipated that most CRiSM Collaborative workshops will fit into these ranges. Relatively small workshop applications in emerging topical areas of statistical methodology will be particularly encouraged.

Initial workshop proposals should be no more than two pages in length and should contain

  1. the scientific rationale, scope and if possible an indicative list of some possible speakers;
  2. an indication of the length of the workshop, a rough estimate of the anticipated number of participants, and any aspects of the workshop format of particular interest;
  3. any information regarding workshop timing. This does not need to be precise, but ranges of possible dates and constraints would be very helpful;
  4. any relevant information regarding other sources of funding available to support the activity proposed.

Detailed financial information regarding the workshop is NOT required at this stage.

Initial informal enquiries to the Director of CRiSM, Gareth Roberts <> are strongly encouraged. It is expected that some very strong workshop applications will emerge iteratively via a constructive dialogue. It is emphasised that CRiSM has a very broad remit to promote statistical methodology, so that no particular areas of statistics will be excluded.

Proposals need to be submitted for consideration by 15th December 2012 to Gareth Roberts <>. Further calls will be issued with deadlines approximately at 6-month intervals.

Assessment of proposals will take place by a committee consisting of the CRiSM Management team and the CRiSM Council (its external advisory board). Criteria for selection will include the scientific importance and timeliness of the area, the perceived ability of the application team to attract high-quality participants, and to organise a successful event, as well as logistical issues and constraints.

Details of the past, present and future activities of CRiSM can be obtained through its website

Wed 14 Nov 2012, 20:29