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Jane Hutton receives a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit award

The Royal Society has announced the award of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit award for Jane Hutton's project "Statistical models for medical research, patient care and decision-making".

Her statistical expertise is used to help answer difficult questions raised by health-care workers and patients. For example, she provides international reports on life expectancy of people with cerebral palsy, and those who suffered brain injury in accidents. She has helped to improve understanding of effective drug treatments for epilepsy.

The awards are jointly funded by the Wolfson Foundation and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the scheme aims to provide universities with additional support to enable them to attract science talent from overseas and retain respected UK scientists of outstanding achievement and potential.

Royal Society Press Release

Tue 12 Feb 2013, 18:19

Three Guys in Statistics!

Warwick Statistics now has three recipients of the prestigious Guy Medal in Silver of the Royal Statistical Society. Pictured (left to right) with their medals are Gareth Roberts who won the award in 2008, John Copas to whom the award was made in 1987, and David Firth who received the Guy Medal in Silver for 2012 at the recent RSS Conference.

Three Guys

The Guy Medal in Silver is awarded annually to just one recipient, to recognise exceptional published research. Gareth, John and David are all well known for their deep and innovative contributions to statistical methodology; the 2012 award citation mentions also David's spectacular success in the more popular arena of election-night forecasting.

John Copas is Emeritus Professor at Warwick, and a former Head of Department. Gareth Roberts is the Director of the Centre for Research in Statistical Methodology (CRiSM) and also Co-Director of the MASDOC centre for PhD training. David Firth is the current Head of the Department of Statistics.

Wikipedia's page about the Guy Medals

Tue 30 Oct 2012, 10:56

New £2000 Undergraduate Entrance Prizes Available

Entrants to the MathStat and MORSE degrees have always been strongly encouraged to take the more challenging AEA and STEP exam papers alongside their A-levels. Now, for the first time, we are able to offer £2000 prizes to our 2013 incoming students who achieve the top grade in a STEP paper next summer.

For details, including information on preparing for AEA or STEP, see AEA, STEP and the Warwick Statistics Undergraduate Entrance Prizes.

Wed 03 Oct 2012, 21:22

New student work areas and reception office

Student work areas in the Department have been enhanced during the summer, and the academic office has been re-located to C0.02 (nearer the departmental entrance door) to form a larger Student Reception area. As we enter the new term, re-furbishment work on the new Reception area is almost complete.

The ground-floor quiet work areas in C (outside C0.15) and D (outside D0.08) have been enlarged (the latter substantially). A new quiet work area has been created outside B1.01 (in the Maths part of the building, accessible from Statistics via the first-floor corridor in quadrant C), and this is available for use by students from the Mathematics or Statistics departments.

Mon 01 Oct 2012, 09:20

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