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PhD Applications

Our PhD program

We are inviting applications from highly motivated students who are interested in pursuing a PhD in our research group. The PhD programme lasts four years and includes a taught first year.

Applicants are encouraged to contact staff members for more information.

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To apply for a PhD in probability at Warwick, it is important you familiarise yourself with the application process. There are a number of options to obtaining funding, both from Warwick and from other sources depending your country and university of origin. Please take time to read the suggested webpages and links indicated below.

  • The University of Warwick has its own Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics and Statistics (CDT).
  • You can read about how to apply here (Stats) and here (Maths).
  • The link for submitting your application is here (on the electronic form, you will be asked to select a department).
  • Key components: The application contains multiple sections, however the key components during the review stages include:
    • Personal Statement.
    • CV (uploaded in the personal statement section).
    • Research Proposal (see advice below).
    • Letters of recommendation.
    • Transcripts.
  • Research proposal: Specific research projects are not required, and many applicants will have broad interests and not have settled on very specific areas or projects. In that case use the research proposal document to describe:
    • What motivates you to do a PhD, what you have learned and find exciting about it.
    • What area(s) of probability interest you.
    • In what subject areas does your academic background best equip you to carry out research.
    • Any projects/thesis that you have done during your degree.
    • Have you already identified and/or made contact with a particular potential supervisor in the Department? (See below).
  • Research supervisor: Familiarise yourself with the list of members of the group. See here.
  • There are a number of scholarships available through each of the two departments that feed into the CDT that you can compete for, about 15 in Mathematics and about 10 in Statistics.
  • On the application form, you can indicate that you wish to apply for more than one source of funding (see below for information about how to do this on the application form).
  • Principally, you can indicate that you are interested in a departmental scholarship on the form that you fill out for each of the two departments.
  • If you are an international student, you can additionally indicate that you are interested in applying for a number of different opportunities which you can link to via the PGR Scholarship Opportunities webpage. The main ones include:
  • There is also competitive funding for some students via Schlumberger Foundationand Commonwealth scholarships.
  • If the scholarship scheme you additionally specify does not match the standard fees and stipend, you should still indicate that you are willing to apply for it as departmental top-ups are possible.