Health and Safety at WMG
The health, safety and well-being of all staff, students, visitors and contractors is a key value of WMG. Our aim is to make a visible commitment to organisational health & safety and we recognise that everyone has an important role to play in keeping us safe.
Through the department and the University, all necessary health and safety training will be provided. We expect visitors and contractors to our department to uphold these values and will support them in doing so by providing appropriate information. Similarly, we expect our collaborators to maintain equivalent standards when our staff and students visit their facilities.
Health and Safety Policy and Objectives
The Health and Safety Statement of Intent for WMGLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window supports the University Health and Safety PolicyLink opens in a new windowLink opens in aLink opens in a new window Link opens in a new windowand includes a statement of intent from senior leadership and information on the organisation and specific arrangements in place at department level to ensure sound management of health, safety and wellbeing matters.
Health and Safety Structure

Useful links
- Accident and Near-miss reporting
- Campus Security
- Health and Safety Services
- Occupational Health and Wellbeing
- Employee Assistance Programme
Information for contractors
Key individuals who have specific responsibilities for areas of health and safety within the department are as follows:
- Professor Robin Clark: Dean of WMG
- Professor Paul Jennings: Director of Research
Danielle Bonsor: Head of Technical Services, Facilities and Compliance
Neil Porter: Health and Safety Officer