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Program a Tile

Tiles For Tales Line

To program your tile, microBlocks is used (

Make sure you have wired up your processor and LEDs as outlined on the Create a Tile page. In the example below the microbit is used as an example.

1. Start microBlocks on your computer and connect the microbit via the USB cable.

2. The first time you use microBlocks with a microbit, you need to download firmware onto the microbit. Click on the gears icon (settings), to get the menu as shown below. (Instructions for other boards is available on the microBlocks website - other boards.)

image showing microblocks menu to install firmware

3. Next click on the USB icon to connect microBlocks to your board (2 along from the gears icon).

4. Write a script to control the LEDs connected to the microbit. This an example.

example program using microblocks