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Inspiring engineers of the future

Children taking part in the Stitch in Time project

WMG at the University of Warwick has been working with primary schools across Coventry to inspire children and ignite their passion for STEM through its Stitch in Time project, supported by HVM Catapult and funded by STEM Learning.

Stitch in Time is built around the freely available software Turtlestitch, and takes inspiration from Coventry’s historic textile industries.

Turtlestitch teaches computing, maths, and design and technology, with students producing code that then controls a digital embroidery machine to stitch unique patterns into fabric.

WMG’s Outreach team and STEM Learning Ambassadors worked with teachers of year 5 and year 6 children to deliver a series of lessons and challenges , to create embroidery designs by using computer programming.

A total of seven schools and 480 students participated in the project which ran from May 2024 to July 2024.

Professor Margaret Low, Director of Outreach and Widening Participation at WMG explained: “Thanks to the support of STEM Learning, we were able to deliver the Stitch in Time project again. The STEM Ambassadors, Chrissy, Jasleen, Ramona and Shabeer were key to the success of the project, working in collaboration with school teachers. The children created a fantastic range of different designs, and I’d encourage everyone to visit the display at Coventry Transport Museum to see the creativity of the children.

"The funding from STEM Learning, and STEM Ambassadors enabled us to work with these schools to deliver the project."Stitch in Time exhibition at the Coventry Transport Museum

Each school, supported by WMG STEM Ambassadors, has now produced a beautiful and colourful display on a variety of individual themes. Alongside the display, Gauri Verma, WMG Project Officer became the “Manufacturer in Residence”, running some taster sessions for visitors to the museum in August.

The Stitch in Time exhibition will be on display at the Coventry Transport Museum until December.

Find out more about WMG’s Outreach programmes here: Outreach and Widening Participation (

Tue 27 Aug 2024, 11:14 | Tags: HVM Catapult Public engagement Outreach