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Major initiative ‘Transport + Energy Skills’ announced

  • Partnership with the WMG, University of Warwick, to kick off year-long skills theme for the news and events brand, with active support from MPs and industry leaders.

Transport + Energy has announced a new initiative, Transport + Energy Skills, in partnership with WMG at the University of Warwick. The project will highlight the sectors’ shortage and provide insight, information exchange and solutions to progress a major re-skill, up-skill and new-skill of workers, to fit the way industries are changing and ensure UK companies are competitive.

Announcing the new partnership, Alec Peachey, Founder and Editorial Director of Transport + Energy said: “We are really excited about this launch, which tackles one of the most important issues we are facing in our sectors – skilling up our workforce to ensure UK companies are fit for the future.”

Dr Benjamin Silverstone, Skills and Workforce Transformation Specialist, will spearhead a series of articles in which he will speak to leaders to gain their insight into how skills needs are evolving, while digging into practical solutions and making a call to action for companies to take up this opportunity and respond to change.

“I once wrote that skills are the currency with which future opportunity will be bought. This is truer now, than ever, but what is different is that we all now have a voice in how we generate that wealth,” commented Dr Silverstone.

The aims of the articles will be to drive access to effective training to remain competitive, provide guidance on the impact changes will have, initiate a shift in high-quality training and development as well as promote consistency, to make the workforce’s skills transferrable.

Recognising the crucial need to mobilise industry to act to future proof the UK workforce, Matt Western MP, Shadow Higher Education Minister, Chair All Party Motor Group said:

“The green transition in transport and energy will transform thousands of jobs, creating new opportunities and life choices right across the country. We need our people to be well-equipped for these changes. I look forward to hearing from leaders in the field on what is needed to deliver the skilled transport and energy workforce of the future.”

The widespread importance of Transport + Energy Skills is also being actively supported by government:

“In order to maintain the UK’s leading position in net zero and energy transition, we must plan for the significant changes that will be required in the workforce. Over the next decade, for example, we will need to secure thousands of new jobs in battery manufacturing and train hundreds of thousands of mechanics to service electric vehicles. Transport + Energy’s initiative to bring together industry, colleges and providers to discuss how to deliver these vital skills is essential and I will do all I can support these aims,” commented Mark Pawsey MP.

Find out more about the WMG Skills Centre here: WMG Skills Centre : University of Warwick : Short Courses

Thu 08 Feb 2024, 14:46 | Tags: Education WMG Skills Centre