Steels Facilities and Equipment
Facilities and Equipment
WMG Microscopy Suite
We have a fully comprehensive electron microscopy facility within WMG ranging from desktop Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscopy (S/TEM) and a range of equipment for sample preparation.
The WMG microscopy suite supports users from a wide range of research interests. Our lab is particularly well equipped to support steels research and battery research.
The WMG microscopy suite is available for use to users both internal (WMG and other departments at Warwick) and external (industry and researchers from other universities).
For WMG users, more information about how to access the WMG microscopy lab and how to request training is available here.
All other users interested in making use of our facilities should contact Geoff West g.west@warwick.ac.uk
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Hitachi TM3030+
A compact and easy to use SEM ideal for basic imaging requirements. Equipped with secondary electron and back-scattered electron detectors and an Oxford Instruments EDS detector.
A FEG SEM with Secondary Electron (SE) and Back Scattered Electron (BSE) detectors. This microscope is also equipped with EDS, EBSD, and various insitu stages.
JEOL 7800F
An analytical FEG SEM with a range of SE and BSE detectors. This microscope is also equipped with EDS, WDS, and a high-speed EBSD detector.
Dual Beams
FEI Versa 3D
A dualbeam FEG SEM/FIB system with SE and BSE detectors, along with high speed EDS and EBSD detectors. The Versa 3D is ideal for general FIB-sectioning, TEM sample preparation, nano-patterning, inclusion anlysis and non-standard EBSD (e.g. 3D EBSD and TKD).
FEI Scios
A dualbeam FEG SEM/FIB system with SE and BSE detectors. This system is equipped with EDS and quadrupole SIMS detectors for chemical analysis. Study of air-sensitive samples is made possible with the airless transfer system. The Scios is ideal for general FIB-sectioning, TEM sample preparation and 3D imaging, with features particularly benefiting battery material research.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Helios Hydra
A dualbeam FEG SEM/PFIB system with SE and BSE detectors. This system is equipped with a wide range of features that enable advanced materials characterisation. Features include:
- Multi-source plasma with Xe, Ar, N and O gases available with high currents allowing ~100x faster cutting than conventional Ga FIBs.
- Cryo cooling stage (compatible with all other features).
- Tofwerk ToF SIMS.
- CleanConnect inert gas transfer system for the study of air-sensitive materials.
- Oxford Instruments EDS & EBSD.
The features of our Helios are particularly well-suited for battery materials.
The Talos F200X Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) provides fast and precise materials characterisation down to the atomic scale. The Talos is capable of imaging in either conventional TEM mode or in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) mode.
Our Talos is equipped with a range of analytical detectors and holders that enable a wide range of materials characterisation, including:
- Bright-field (BF), Annular Dark-Field (ADF), and High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) STEM detectors.
- STEM resolution ≤0.14nm
- High performance 4K Ceta camera.
- Super-X quad EDS detector for chemical mapping.
- High-tilt tomography holder enabling 3D reconstruction.
- Nanomegas enabling scanning precesion electron diffraction for nano-scale orientation and phase mapping.
- DENS Solutions Wildfire In-situ heating holder which allows for simultaneous sample heating and imaging inside the microscope.
- A Model 2560 Fischione vacuum transfer tomography holder that enables the study of air-sensitive materials without exposure to air.
Park Systems NX10 AFM
The Park Systems NX10 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is a versatile and easy-to-use AFM system capable of providing nanoscale information about the surface of a sample. 3D surface topography information can be obtained using one of the standard imaging modes, including: true non-contact AFM, basic contact AFM, tapping AFM and more.
Our Park Systems NX10 AFM is also capable of other imaging modes:
- Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM). (The system is also equipped with a variable magnetic field generator).
- Conductive AFM (C-AFM).
- Electric Force Microscopy (EFM).
- Force Distance (F/d) spectroscopy.
Auxiliary Equipment
M4 Tornado Bruker Micro XRF
The M4 Tornado µ-X-Ray Florescence (XRF) is fitted with dual EDS detectors. The system is capable of scanning large samples (190 x 160 mm2 and up to 5 kg) to study chemical homogeneity and segregation quantitatively.
Micromaterials Nanoindenter
Nanoindentation instrument (Micro Materials Ltd: NanoTest Xtreme) allows for quasi-static indentation testing at either room temperature or at low/high temperatures. The instrument can be operated at a maximum load of up to 500 mN. Other advanced functionalities are also available.
Alicona G5
The Alicona G5 is a coaxial lit Infinite Focus Microscope (IFM) capable of quantitative metrology of surfaces and capturing 3D images.
Keyence VHX7000
The Keyence VHX7000 is a digital optical microscope with a magnification range between x30-x6000. The fully automated stage allows for easy stitched imaging and 3D data reconstruction. The 'Optical Shadow Effect Mode' enables enhanced imaging of uneven surfaces.
Hitachi Broad-beam Ion Miller
The Hitachi IM4000plus Broad Beam Ion Miller can be used to prepare samples where mechanical damage is an issue. It can be operated in either flat milling (for surface polishing) or cross-sectional mode. Airless transfer is available for both milling methods.
The Gatan PIPS (precision ion polishing system) allows for polishing of samples prepared using FIB and reduces unwanted artefacts, such as sample amorphisation, left over by FIB sample prep. Airless transfer is available with this system.
Cressington Sputter Coater
The Cressington 206HR is a high-resolution coater using a 80/20 Au/Pd target as standard (Pt, Au, Cu and Cr targets are also available). The sputter coater allows for deposition of a thin layer of conductive material on a sample to prevent charging and beam damage during observation in a SEM.
Labtech Carbon Evaporator
A Labtech Safematic CCU-010 carbon evaporator with thickness monitoring capability. This system is perfect for depositing carbon prior to Carbon Extraction Replicas and can also reduce charging and beam damage during observation. The system also has a built-in plasma treatment unit for cleaning samples.
Hitachi UV Cleaner
The Hitachi Zone II SEM UV cleaner uses vacuum-controlled UV irradiation and activated oxygen to to gently and rapidly "clean" sample surfaces. Hydrocarbon contaminations can be minimised or eliminated from samples before observation in a SEM.
Airless Transfer Hub
The airless transfer hub allow samples for other systems to be loaded in an air-free environment. Other systems within the airless transfer workflow include the Talos, Helios, Scios, Clara, Broad-beam ion miller, and PIPS II.