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“My favourite aspect of the course is the Implementing Secure Systems module, in which we worked in groups to design, construct and implement cryptographic components within a security architecture for a given scenario. By actively providing extracurricular resources, industry connections, and a lot of their time, the lecturers actively support our studies both inside and outside of the classroom.”

BSc Cyber Security student

Tue 13 Feb 2024, 10:43 | Tags: FTUG-CS


“Studying Cyber Security at Warwick has taught me a vast range of new skills, both technical and interpersonal to help me advance my career. The lecturers have a range of backgrounds, with extensive industry knowledge which they apply to our labs to allow us to implement current contextual knowledge to our learning. Additionally, there are frequently a range of extracurricular cyber security events which are enjoyable and my time so far at Warwick has been a lot of fun.”

BSc Cyber Security student

Tue 13 Feb 2024, 10:43 | Tags: FTUG-CS


"I chose this course over other Cyber Security courses as it is more focused instead of just being a computer science course with additional cyber security modules like it was at many other universities. The course has allowed me to explore a wide range of cyber security topics, introducing me to new areas while also encouraging further independent research into areas I find the most interesting. The employability in this sector is very high and I have had no issues in finding summer internships and potential graduate jobs through both connections made at university or other means."

BSc Cyber Security student

Tue 13 Feb 2024, 10:41 | Tags: FTUG-CS