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353/2017 Fernanda Brollo, Pedro Forquesato and Juan Carlos Gozzi
To the Victor Belongs the Spoils? Party Membership and Public Sector Employment in Brazil
353/2017 Fernanda Brollo, Pedro Forquesato and Juan Carlos Gozzi
352/2017 Aditi Dimri and François Maniquet
Poverty measurement (in India): Defining group-specific poverty lines or taking preferences into account?
352/2017 Aditi Dimri and François Maniquet
351/2017 Mirko Draca, Theodore Koutmeridis and Stephen Machin
The Changing Returns to Crime: Do Criminals Respond to Prices?
351/2017 Mirko Draca, Theodore Koutmeridis and Stephen Machin
350/2017 Nicholas Crafts
The Postwar British Productivity Failure
350/2017 Nicholas Crafts
349/2017 Tobias Böhmelt and Vincenzo Bove
How Migration Policies Moderate the Diffusion of Terrorism
349/2017 Tobias Böhmelt and Vincenzo Bove
348/2017 Miguel Almunia and Gonzalo Gaete
Points To Save Lives: The Effects of Traffic Enforcement Policies on Road Fatalities
348/2017 Miguel Almunia and Gonzalo Gaete
347/2017 Eugenio Proto, Daniel Sgroi and Mahnaz Nazneen
Happiness and Cooperation
347/2017 Eugenio Proto, Daniel Sgroi and Mahnaz Nazneen
346/2017 Valentin Seidler
Copying informal Institutions: The role of British colonial officers during the decolonization of British Africa
346/2017 Valentin Seidler
345/2017 Valentin Seidler
Institutional copying in the 20th century: The role of 14,000 British colonial officers
345/2017 Valentin Seidler
344/2017 Alexander Klein and Sheilagh Ogilvie
Was Domar Right? Serfdom and Factor Endowments in Bohemia
344/2017 Alexander Klein and Sheilagh Ogilvie
343/2017 Kimberley Scharf, Sarah Smith and Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm
Lift and Shift: The Effect of Fundraising Interventions in Charity Space and Time
343/2017 Kimberley Scharf, Sarah Smith and Mark Ottoni-Wilhelm
342/2017 Federica Liberini, Andrew J Oswald, Eugenio Proto and Michela Redoano
Was Brexit Caused by the Unhappy and the Old?
342/2017 Federica Liberini, Andrew J Oswald, Eugenio Proto and Michela Redoano
341/2017 Gerben Bakker, Nicholas Crafts and Pieter Woltjer
The Sources of Growth in a Technologically Progressive Economy: the United States, 1899-1941
341/2017 Gerben Bakker, Nicholas Crafts and Pieter Woltjer
340/2017 Marcus Miller, Lei Zhang and Songklod Rastapana
Subprime assets and financial crisis: theory, policy and the law
340/2017 Marcus Miller, Lei Zhang and Songklod Rastapana
339/2017 Nicholas Crafts and Alexander Klein
A Long-Run Perspective on the Spatial Concentration of Manufacturing Industries in the United States
339/2017 Nicholas Crafts and Alexander Klein
338/2017 Aleksandra Katolik and Andrew J. Oswald
Antidepressants for Economists and Business-School Researchers: An Introduction and Review
338/2017 Aleksandra Katolik and Andrew J. Oswald
337/2017 David G. Blanchflower and Andrew J. Oswald
Do Humans Suffer a Psychological Low in Midlife? Two Approaches (With and Without Controls) in Seven Data Sets
337/2017 David G. Blanchflower and Andrew J. Oswald
336/2017 Stefan Bauernschuster, Anastasia Driva, and Erik Hornung
Bismarck's Health Insurance and the Mortality Decline
336/2017 Stefan Bauernschuster, Anastasia Driva, and Erik Hornung
335/2017 Miguel Almunia, Ben Lockwood and Kimberley Scharf
More Giving of More Givers? The Effects of Tax Incentives on Charitable Donations in the UK
335/2017 Miguel Almunia, Ben Lockwood and Kimberley Scharf
334/2017 Boaz Abramson and Moses Shayo
Grexit vs. Brexit: International Integration under Endogenous Social Identities
334/2017 Boaz Abramson and Moses Shayo
333/2017 Yannick Dupraz
French and British Colonial Legacies in Education: Evidence from the Partition of Cameroon
333/2017 Yannick Dupraz
332/2017 Mark Harrison
Counting the Soviet Union’s War Dead: Still 26-27 Million
332/2017 Mark Harrison
331/2017 James Fenske and Namrata Kala
Linguistic Distance and Market Integration in India
331/2017 James Fenske and Namrata Kala
330/2017 Thomas Le Barbanchon, Roland Rathelot and Alexandra Roulet
Unemployment Insurance and Reservation Wages: Evidence from Administrative Data
330/2017 Thomas Le Barbanchon, Roland Rathelot and Alexandra Roulet
329/2017 Nicholas Crafts and Terence C. Mills
Trend TFP Growth in the United States: Forecasts versus Outcomes
329/2017 Nicholas Crafts and Terence C. Mills
328/2017 Charlotte Cavaille and Jeremy Ferwerda
How Distributional Conflict over Public Spending Drives Support for Anti-Immigrant Parties
328/2017 Charlotte Cavaille and Jeremy Ferwerda
327/2017 Mark Harrison
The Soviet Economy, 1917-1991: Its Life and Afterlife
327/2017 Mark Harrison
326/2017 Franziska Hampf and Ludger Woessmann
Vocational vs. General Education and Employment over the Life-Cycle: New Evidence from PIAAC
326/2017 Franziska Hampf and Ludger Woessmann
325/2017 Jean-Pascal Bassino, Stephen Broadberry, Kyoji Fukao, Bishnupriya Gupta and Masanori Takashima
Japan and the Great Divergence, 730-1874
325/2017 Jean-Pascal Bassino, Stephen Broadberry, Kyoji Fukao, Bishnupriya Gupta and Masanori Takashima
324/2017 Stephen Broadberry, Hanhui Guan and David Daokui Li
China, Europe and the Great Divergence: A Study in Historical National Accounting, 980-1850
324/2017 Stephen Broadberry, Hanhui Guan and David Daokui Li
323/2017 Stephen Broadberry and John Wallis
Growing, Shrinking and Long Run Economic Performance: Historical Perspectives on Economic Development
323/2017 Stephen Broadberry and John Wallis
322/2017 Lorenzo Casaburi and Rocco Macchiavello
Firm and Market Response to Saving Constraints: Evidence from the Kenyan Dairy Industry
322/2017 Lorenzo Casaburi and Rocco Macchiavello
321/2017 Rocco Macchiavello and Josepa Miquel-Florensa
Vertical Integration and Relational Contracts: Evidence from the Costa Rica Coffee Chain
321/2017 Rocco Macchiavello and Josepa Miquel-Florensa
320/2017 Debin Ma and Jared Rubin
The Paradox of Power: Understanding Fiscal Capacity in Imperial China and Absolutist Regimes
320/2017 Debin Ma and Jared Rubin
319/2017 Debin Ma
The Rise of a Financial Revolution in Republican China in 1900-1937: an Institutional Narrative
319/2017 Debin Ma
318/2017 Morgane Laouénan and Roland Rathelot
Ethnic Discrimination on an Online Marketplace of Vacation Rental
318/2017 Morgane Laouénan and Roland Rathelot
317/2017 Fernanda Brollo, Katja Maria Kaufmann and Eliana La Ferrara
Learning about the Enforcement of Conditional Welfare Programs: Evidence from Brazil
317/2017 Fernanda Brollo, Katja Maria Kaufmann and Eliana La Ferrara
316/2017 Fernanda Brollo, Katja Maria Kaufmann and Eliana La Ferrara
The Political Economy of Program Enforcement: Evidence from Brazil
316/2017 Fernanda Brollo, Katja Maria Kaufmann and Eliana La Ferrara
315/2017 David Hugh-Jones and Carlo Perroni
The logic of costly punishment reversed: Expropriation of free-riders and outsiders
315/2017 David Hugh-Jones and Carlo Perroni
314/2017 Martin R. West, Ludger Woessmann, Philipp Lergetporer and Katharina Werner
How Information Affects Support for Education Spending: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Germany and the United States
314/2017 Martin R. West, Ludger Woessmann, Philipp Lergetporer and Katharina Werner
313/2017 Eric A. Hanushek, Guido Schwerdt, Simon Wiederhold and LudgerWoessmann
Coping with Change: International Differences in the Returns to Skills
313/2017 Eric A. Hanushek, Guido Schwerdt, Simon Wiederhold and LudgerWoessmann
312/2017 Mark Harrison
Secrecy and State Capacity: A Look Behind the Iron Curtain
312/2017 Mark Harrison