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Cecilia Lanata-Briones

Curriculum Vitae

Contact details

Telephone: +44 (0)24 765 74846

Email: Cecilia dot Lanata-Briones at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S1.110

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Monday 24 June 3pm to 5pmLink opens in a new window

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Director of UG Studies (Assessment and Feedback)

Research Interests

  • Economic History
  • Historical production and use of quantitative knowledge
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Economic Development
  • Macroeconomics


EC104 The World Economy: History and Theory (terms 1 & 2)

EC108 Macroeconomics 1 (term 1)

EC204 Economics 2 (term 2)

EC331 Research in Applied Economics (terms 1 & 2)

EC342 Topics in Economic History (term 2)


Journal Articles

Cuesta, E.M. and Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2024). Introduction. Towards the Centenary of the 1930 Crisis. Lessons from Latin America. Anuario Centro de Estudios Económicos de la Empresa y del Desarrollo, 21(16), pp. 15-28.

Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2023). Re-constructing Official Statistics: A New Estimate of the Argentine Cost of Living Index, 1912-1943. Revista de Historia Económica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 41(1), pp. 39-82.

Lanata-Briones, C.T., Daniel, C., and Romero Marchesini, N. (2022). Contar muertes en pandemia. Apuntes para una comparación de las experiencias de Argentina e Inglaterra frente al Covid-19. Andes, Antropología e Historia, 33(2), pp. 325-354.

Daniel, C., Romero Marchesini, N., and Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2022). Statistics and political management during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Argentina. Sociologias, 24(60), pp. 16-69.

Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2021) Constructing Cost of Living Indices: Ideas and Individuals, Argentina, 1918-1935. History of Political Economy, 53(1), pp. 57-87.

Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2020). De-construyendo, construyendo y re-construyendo estadísticas: El índice del costo de la vida, Argentina 1933-1943. Anuario IEHS, 35 (2), pp. 67-99.

Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2020). Una nueva estimación del índice del costo de la vida, Argentina 1912-1932. Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana Dr Emilio Ravignani, 53 (2), pp. 64-92.

Daniel, C. and Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2019). Battles over numbers: the case of the Argentine consumer price index (2007-2015). Economy and Society, 48(1), pp. 127-151.

Lanata-Briones, C.T. and González Bollo, H. (2017). Unwinding the winding trajectory: the divergence between national accounts and state planning, Argentina 1937-1948. Histoire & Mesure, 32(1), pp. 161-190.

Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2012). Methodological Revision of the Cost of Living Index of the City of Buenos Aires, 1933-1945. Estatística e Sociedade, 2, pp. 24-41.


Lanata-Briones, C.T., Estefane, A., and Daniel, C. (eds) (2022). Socio-political Histories of Latin American Statistics. Palgrave: London/New York.

Book Chapters

Lanata-Briones, C.T. and Daniel, C. (2022). Des statistiques privées aux statistiques publiques. Brève histoire de l’indice des Prix à la consommation en Argentine. In F. Cardoni et al, Chiffres privés, chiffres publics XVIIe-XXIe siècle. Entre hybridations et conflits. Renne: Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR), pp. 121-139.

Lanata-Briones, C.T. and Lo Vuolo, R.M. (2016). Crecimiento durante los años de la post-Convertibilidad en Argentina: Límites y dinámicas de largo plazo, 1960–2008. In C. Levey, D. Ozarow and C. Wylde, eds., De la crisis del 2001 al Kirchnerismo: Cambios y continuidades. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, pp. 73-96.

Lanata-Briones, C.T. and Lo Vuolo, R.M. (2014). Post-Convertibility growth in Argentina: long term dynamics and limits, 1960-2008. In C. Levey, D. Ozarow and C. Wylde, eds., Argentina Since the 2001 Crisis: Recovering the Past, Reclaiming the Future, New York: Palgrave, pp. 45-86.

Working Papers

Gazeley, I., Holmes, R., Lanata-Briones, C., Newell, A.T., Reynolds, K. and Rufrancos, H. (2018). Latin American Household Budget Surveys 1913-1970 and What They Tell Us about Economic Inequality among Households. IZA Discussion Paper No. 11430

Lanata-Briones, C.T. and Lo Vuolo, R.M. (2011). Regímenes de acumulación, cambios estructurales y límites al crecimiento económico en la Argentina de la post-Convertibilidad. Documentos de Trabajo Ciepp, 81.

Lo Vuolo, R.M. and Lanata-Briones, C.T. (2008). El proceso de ahorro-inversión en la Argentina. Documentos de Trabajo Ciepp, 63.