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Europe: News and Commentary

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Trust My Science: Symptoms of long COVID could be due to reactivation of Epstein-Barr virus

French science news. Professor Lawrence Young, Warwick Medical School, offers his expert comment on the story.

Fri 25 Jun 2021, 10:56 | Tags: COVID19, Coverage, Expert comment

Destination Santé: Co-sleeping - no benefit in terms of mother-child bond

French health news. “A third of parents would co-sleep with their baby in the UK during the first 18 months of life,” says Professor Dieter Wolke of the University of Warwick. See also La Depeche (French)

Fri 25 Jun 2021, 10:48 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

45 Secondes: When this star blows, its planets will turn into huge pinball machines

French news. "The planets will gravitationally disperse from each other," lead author Dmitri Veras, a physicist at the University of Warwick in England, said in a statement. “In one case, the innermost planet could be thrown out of the system. Or, in another case, the third planet could be ejected." See also Daily Geek Show (French)

Fri 25 Jun 2021, 10:19 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

Yahoo ES: How to Identify a 'Ghoulish Boss'

Spanish news. According to Andrés Hatum, PhD from the University of Warwick UK, the pandemic demanded the human side of the bosses so that they enter your personal life and see what happens in your house. "So the short-termists and those who could not anticipate anything are being carried away by the pandemic current and are disappearing," said the author.

Thu 17 Jun 2021, 13:38 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

Sputnik: Researchers discover something unusual in brains of Alzheimer's patients

Czech news. A team of scientists from the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany, led by the University of Warwick in Coventry, used transmission X-ray microscopy on synchrotron radiation sources such as the Diamond Light Source in Oxfordshire & the Advanced Light Source in California.

Thu 17 Jun 2021, 11:04 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

EveryEye: This particle appears to be composed of matter and antimatter

Italian news. These "are produced in proton-proton collisions and travel on average only a few millimeters before transforming, or decaying, into other particles," said Tim Gershon, professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick. Also in Trust My Science (French); Info Consapevole (Italian)

Thu 17 Jun 2021, 11:02 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

Esquire Italia: Scientists figure out what happens when a star dies

The lead author of this study, Dr Dimitri Veras, of the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick, said: “The planets will gravitationally disperse from each other. In one case, the innermost planet could be ejected from the system. Or, in another case, the third planet will be shot off. They are so large and so close to each other that the only thing keeping them in this perfect balance right now is the position of their orbits.” See also Esquire ES (Spanish)


Thu 17 Jun 2021, 10:57 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

Smart Grids Info: Research on Advanced Lead Acid Batteries to Support Grid Storage

Spanish tech news. The University of Warwick and the University of Loughborough, both in the United Kingdom, with the support of the Consortium for Battery Innovation (CBI), is developing a project to show how advanced lead-acid batteries can support energy storage in the electricity grid, in addition to responding to more renewable storage requirements for low-carbon energy systems.


Fri 11 Jun 2021, 15:30 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment Star death triggers "planetary pinball game"

German news. Scientists at the Universities of Warwick and Exeter wanted to know what could be upsetting the HR 8799 star system. The result is fatal: at least for the star.


Fri 11 Jun 2021, 15:26 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

Hola News: The UK puts its "independence" from the EU at stake on the G7 board

Spanish news. In the next five years, the United Kingdom will try to "develop its space on the global scene as the country that gathers the rest around a table to deal with problems," Abhinay Muthoo, Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, told EFE (Spanish news agency).

See also Swiss Info (Spanish);

Fri 11 Jun 2021, 14:37 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

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