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Europe: News and Commentary

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Il Sussi Diario: Indian variant of COVID in the UK

Italian news. "In May, members of the University of Warwick Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modeling (Spi-M) published model results suggesting that a variant 40% more transmissible than the English variant (Alpha), in the absence of restrictions, could cause up to 6,000 hospital admissions per day."

Fri 11 Jun 2021, 14:17 | Tags: COVID19, Coverage, Expert comment

Multinews: UK considers boosters with different vaccines in autumn

Portuguese news. "Using different vaccines to prepare and then boost the immune response is often associated with a more robust immune response," said Lawrence Young, a virologist at the University of Warwick.


Fri 11 Jun 2021, 14:13 | Tags: COVID19, Coverage, Expert comment

Zoom News: Tricks to speed up the metabolism and lose weight

Spanish news. Dr Thomas Barber, an endocrinologist at the University of Warwick, explains in Live Science: “People differ in their metabolic rate, but if you look at people's metabolism per unit or per kilogram of lean mass, they are actually rate is remarkably constant throughout the population. Most of the metabolic process acts on the lean tissue of the body, so if we consider people only by their lean mass, we are all quite similar.”

Fri 11 Jun 2021, 14:08 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

Le Monde: Women on screen, the hidden side of cinema

French news. “We were getting roughly the same in terms of percentage, 36% women. And it's similar to what other researchers find when counting 'by hand'," recalls Tanaya Guha of the University of Warwick in England. Her team had also shown that the female presence depends on the type of film.

Fri 11 Jun 2021, 14:02 | Tags: Coverage, Expert comment

Biegowelove: R increases to between 1 and 1.2

Polish news. Dr Mike Tildesley, a member of the government's Pandemic Influenza Advisory Committee for the Modeling Group (Spi-M), said lifting all restrictions on June 21 could be at risk if ministers “worried” about the increase in hospitalizations and deaths as a result of the Indian alternative.


Fri 11 Jun 2021, 14:00 | Tags: COVID19, Coverage, Expert comment

SwissInfo: what is known of the first human case of H10N3 avian flu?

International Swiss news. 'What is bird flu? It is a type of illness "caused by influenza viruses that are very easily transmitted between birds, but very rarely cause illness in humans", explains Dr. Nicole Robb (University of Warwick), cited by the British Science Media Center (SMC)'.


Fri 04 Jun 2021, 15:38 | Tags: COVID19, Coverage, Expert comment

DW Portuguese: Little by little, Europe frees itself from the lockdown

German broadcaster in Portuguese. "If we've learned anything about this virus, it's that once it starts to spread beyond a few cases, it becomes very difficult to control," says Lawrence Young, a virologist at the University of Warwick, to the AP news agency. "Only extremely strict local lockdowns after a few cases will stop the virus from spreading." See also AP News (Spanish)


Fri 04 Jun 2021, 15:23 | Tags: COVID19, Coverage, Expert comment

Sud Ouest: too soon for a global corporate tax?

French news. For Arun Advani, professor of economics at the University of Warwick, “the plan will effectively force smaller countries to align. If a country like Ireland does not raise its rate, it foregoes tax revenues "because if multinationals are required to pay a higher rate in the country where they earn their revenues, then tax havens will ultimately have an interest to raise their rate"

Fri 04 Jun 2021, 15:10 | Tags: Expert comment

Deutsche Welle Portuguese: Dogs can detect covid with up to 94% accuracy

"This proof-of-concept study suggests that dogs trained for detection can be used in places like airports, stadiums and venues," said Lawrence Young, a virologist and professor at the University of Warwick. "The big question is, will this approach work in the real world on people, rather than on t-shirt and sock samples?" See also CNN Espagnol (Spanish)

Wed 26 May 2021, 12:47 | Tags: COVID19, Coverage, Expert comment

Scienze Fanpage: the second Indian variant could bring new waves of Covid

Italian science news. "With a 40% increase in transmissibility, the models developed by the University of Warwick indicate that hospitalizations could reach 6 thousand per day , reaching the peak of the second wave, and even reaching 10 thousand in 24 hours if the variant is 50% more transmissible." See also Le Petit Journal (French); FAZ (German); 20 Minutos (Spanish); Agenzia Italia (Italian)

Tue 18 May 2021, 15:23 | Tags: COVID19, Expert comment

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