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Incorporating Patient Values and Preferences: Lunchtime seminar

As part of an IAS incubation award looking to establish a research network for exploring values-based practice and patient preferences in the context of evidence-based clinical practice, colleagues are invited to a lunchtime seminar/workshop on Tuesday 27 April, 12pm to 2pm, at the Institute of Advanced Study, Milburn House. Sandwich lunch provided.

The main purpose of the seminar is to discuss opportunities for taking forward research in this area. In particular, there will be the opportunity to discuss this work with inter-disciplinary collaborators and examine the issues in this area from different perspectives.

To reserve a place at the seminar, or for any other queries, please contact either Deborah Biggerstaff or Liz Blagrove.

At a Glance
Date: Tuesday 27 April 2010
Time: 12pm to 2pm
Location: IAS, Milburn House
Open To: Staff and Students
Cost: Free (registration required)
Summary: A lunchtime seminar/workshop exploring values-based practice and patient preferences in the context of evidence-based clinical practice.