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Inauguration of President Biden: expert comment

Dr Georg Löfflmann of the Department of Politics and International Relations reflects as the United States marks the inauguration of Joe Biden as President.

Dr Trevor McCrisken explains why the 2020 Presidential Race still hasn't been called

"Usually by a couple of days into the counts you do have a clear idea of which candidate will win which states. This year it’s much more difficult to call because of the time it’s taking to get through some of these really quite substantial numbers of ballots, of postal votes especially, in some of the crucial states - so we don’t yet have either candidate at the magical 270 Electoral College votes needed for a win."

When will we know the outcome of the 2020 presidential election? Dr Trevor McCrisken explains

"The courts could again be crucial in settling the contests this year, not only in Florida but in other swing states if the voting margins are very close. With Trump and Senate Republicans having successfully tipped the balance to conservatives on the Supreme Court, newly appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett could prove a significant character in this year's election battle."

Final presidential debate - Expert comment

"Expect plenty of verbal fireworks and not a great deal of policy substance - it will no doubt be a spectacle but perhaps not the kind of debate that voters need so they can make an informed choice in this crucial election." Dr Trevor McCrisken previews this evening's final US Presidential debate.

UK-EU trade negotiations: They are still playing a game of chicken

In the light of the statement from the EU Council Meeting last Thursday, and subsequently the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s statement on Friday, Professor Abhinay Muthoo, from the Department of Economics in London discusses if we are heading for a no-deal outcome.

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