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State-sponsored cyber-attacks are on the increase, but North Korea probably didn’t target Sony

Professor Carsten Maple, the director of research in Cybersecurity at WMG's Cyber Security Centre (CSC) at the University of Warwick, doesn’t believe North Korea is responsible for the cyber-attack on Sony Pictures. “We are no doubt seeing a rise in state-sponsored attacks but also there are a significant number of ‘hacktivist’ attacks,” he said. “Just like states have skirmishes over territories, there’s now a battlefield around information, but my feeling is that North Korea is not behind the targeting of Sony Pictures.

Tue 02 Dec 2014, 11:04 | Tags: Politics, Security, technology, International

Needles in the Mega–Haystack: NSA versus KGB

Department of Economics Professor Mark Harrison asks if liberties are at risk following the recent Prism surveillance scheme revelations.

UK Shale Gas Exploration

Professor David Elmes, Warwick Business School, comments on news that the UK could have huge resources of shale gas.

Tue 04 Jun 2013, 09:44 | Tags: Policy, technology, Business Members, Economics and Finance

Paying Attention in the Digital Age

A blog post from Professor Nigel Thrift, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Warwick: There is an issue, which may or may not be a problem for universities around the world, but that is certainly gaining a lot of attention in Britain and the United States—namely, attention itself...

Fri 17 May 2013, 11:24 | Tags: technology, Academia, Social Media, Education

Benefits of 4G will mostly be felt in outdoor areas with good coverage

University of Warwick mobile telecommunciations expert Dr Weisi Guo looks at concerns over 4G coverage.

Wed 20 Feb 2013, 12:22 | Tags: technology, Sciences

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