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Teaching Innovations Website Launched

Innovation, including educational innovation, is present in abundance in departments at the University of Warwick. However, the subject divisions and the very personal nature of teaching in universities means that it very difficult to find out what innovations other academics are making.

Wed 11 Aug 2004, 10:14 | Tags: Research, Study, Education, IT, University Services, University Affairs

IT services improving open access work areas for students.

From the next academic term the student community will benefit from faster, more efficient computers in the student open access work areas across campus.

Student Employee of the Year Award

Do you have a hardworking student employed in your department? Does that person go above and beyond the call of duty? Want to recognise their efforts but a bottle of wine or a voucher from Costcutter won't do?

Warwick chefs whip up award winning performances on the competition scene.

Group executive Chef of Warwick Conferences, Graham Crump has every reason to be proud of his team, following their impressive menu of award winning performance in a number of high-profile competitions in the past few weeks.
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 14:05 | Tags: Business, Education, Economics, IT, Physics

Virus Alert: Singing Worm - Please Check Your PC

Starting on Monday 1 March, many people in the University received electronic mail messages containing a few words such as "Please read the attached file" along with an attached file with a name ending in .PIF
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 10:51 | Tags: Computer Science, IT, University Services, University Affairs

New data-gathering facility on insite

Recently insite forums asked for your thoughts and opinions on providing a mechanism to attract internal respondents for data-gathering. Many of you felt that a centralised place to advertise surveys, and call for research participants, would be a good idea, with most people suggesting some kind of space on insite
Fri 06 Aug 2004, 13:09 | Tags: Computer Science, IT, University Services, University Affairs

Careers Service awarded the Matrix!

Congratulations are in order for the University's Careers Service who has been awarded the Matrix Accreditation only two months after being named second best Careers Service in the country.
Fri 06 Aug 2004, 09:10 | Tags: Education, Engineering, IT, Art, English

Right to Read

Every child has the 'right to read' but not every child has the opportunity. Warwick Volunteers and the University Bookshop have teamed up to support 'right to read'.

Managed Learning Environment

The Managed Learning Environment (MLE) is a recently launched programme to make Warwick a leader amongst UK universities in the provision of on-line services and information for staff and students. The programme is in its early stages and is consolidating existing services and adding new services to the current my.insite web site. We have already made significant steps in providing on-line services to students such as on-line module registration and enrolment.
Thu 05 Aug 2004, 08:49 | Tags: Computer Science, IT, University Services, University Affairs

Warwick Engineering Students have the Winning Formula

Fourteen keen and self-motivated fourth year undergraduate students from the Department of Engineering have set their sights on winning the 2004 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Formula Student competition, slated to take place in Leicestershire next year.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 14:35 | Tags: Business Members, Education, Computer Science, IT

Research TV Highly Commended at PR Week Awards

Research TV, the consortium of universities and funding agencies, led by the University of Warwick, got a special mention at last night's PR Week Awards ceremony.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 12:09 | Tags: Business Members, Law, Education, Computer Science, IT

Student Computer Purchase Scheme

The Students' Union and IT Services have worked together to develop a Student Computer Purchase Scheme. This is a brand new way for Warwick students to purchase 'Warwick Ready' IBM computers at special discount prices. 318 computers have already been delivered to students.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 10:36 | Tags: Computer Science, IT, University Services

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