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University Managers take on a Team Challenge

Senior managers from the University of Warwick will be kicking-off the first day of the World Cup with their own Team Challenge at Charter Primary School, Canley.
Wed 07 Jun 2006, 10:53 | Tags: Community, Non Academic Staff

Warwick Diabetes Care Partnership to Continue

Warwick Diabetes Care is to continue its successful partnership with healthcare manufacturer LifeScan UK for another three years. The company, part of Johnson & Johnson, has announced a new programme of investment over the next three years, which fits in with their Corporate Social Responsibility activities in the UK and aims to help educate both people with diabetes and the healthcare professionals who care for them.

Success for Warwick at Blog Conference

The University's weblog service, warwickblogs was very well received at a recent blogging conference held in London. E-lab's John Dale presented at the Blogs in Action Conference 2005 and received positive feedback from a number of delegates, for the implementation, content, design and marketing of the site.

Connecting Futures Project

Four Warwick students have recently returned from a week in Pakistan where they visited universities in the four major cities of Islamambad, Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar and took part in a variety of events with Pakistani students.

Warwick Business School Student Comes Top Again

Lizzie Penny, a student of International Business at Warwick Business School won Undergraduate Student of the Year in the seventh annual Awards for Business and Management Students, sponsored by the UK's Association of Business Schools.

Director General for HE to Speak at NAGTY Conference

The first ever Director General for Higher Education, Professor Sir Alan Wilson, is one of the speakers at a conference being hosted by the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY) in London on 1st December.

Centre for Lifelong Learning - Open Studies Award Ceremony

Over 300 people gathered for the Open Studies Awards Ceremony on Saturday at the University when students received their awards from Professor Stuart Palmer, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick.

Campus Roadworks – Alternative Bus Stop

Due to main campus roadworks during the period 16 to 27 August buses will be following an alternative on-and-off campus route.

The roadworks have resulted in buses having to follow an alternative campus route - entering campus from the Gatehouse end, travelling along University Road and turning up Library Road to drop-off and pick-up passengers. A temporary bus stop will be placed between Humanities and the Library. Buses will then exit campus by turning right at the top of Library Road.

Nominate A Volunteer

The Higher Education Active Community Fund (HEACF) Student Volunteering Awards is now open for nominations. It is now open for entries from both staff and students, culminating in an Awards Ceremony held at Twickenham Stadium with prizes worth £200 each.

Survey Proves On-Campus Mobile Telephone Base Stations Safe

In January the Estates Office commissioned the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) to carry out a survey assessing the University community’s exposure to radio signals from the mobile phone base stations on the roof of the Library. The survey demonstrated that the base stations pose no threat to University members and that the exposure to radio signals is well beneath recommended guidelines.

Should the University Set Up a Campus in Singapore?

The University has been invited by the Singaporean Government via the Economic Development Board (EDB) Singapore to open a campus in Singapore.

Wireless Internet Access in University House

The University House Atrium and Coffee Bar and Restaurant now benefit from a wireless internet ‘hotspot’, where suitably equipped laptops and handheld devices can access the internet at speeds of around 11 megabytes per second, equivalent to around twenty times as fast as a home broadband connection.

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