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A Balancing Act - Artists' Labour Markets and the Tax and Benefit Systems

National newspaper The Independent on Sunday, commissioned work from the critically-acclaimed poet Martin Newell in response to the recent publication of A balancing act: artists' labour markets and the tax and benefit systems.
Mon 02 Aug 2004, 11:55 | Tags: Politics, Art, English

MP Visits Warwick Business School for High-Level Forum

Today, Warwick Business School’s Industrial Relations Research Unit will play host to a high-level round table discussion on the controversial draft, Information and Consultation of Employees Regulation at the request of the Department for Trade and Industry.

Mon 02 Aug 2004, 11:24 | Tags: Business, Politics, University Affairs

European Question Time

The University of Warwick hosted a European Question Time event, as part of the European Parliament Office campaign to raise awareness of European issues.
Wed 21 Jul 2004, 10:57 | Tags: Politics, Sociology, Education, Economics, University Affairs

The Politics of Nothing

by Robert Fine, Department of Sociology

To ask the question today -what is the 'politics of nothing'? - is to refer to the phenomenon of destruction in the modern age. We are surrounded by competing banalities. On one side, we hear a repeated indictment of 'evil ones' who blow things up, be it Buddhist statues or world trade centres, apparently out of a simple demonical impulse. On the other side, we are plied with 'good reasons' why people should want to blow up symbols of western power: blame is placed on American foreign policy, the poverty of the Arab masses, or even once again on the Jews - this time, what they are doing in Israel. Banality is pitted against banality.

The Issue: Handing Over Power to the Young

Response to Professor Andrew Oswald by Paul Goldberg, Computer Science:

There's a perception that universities are being run by a combination of internal administrators and the government and I think there's some evidence to justify that perception. If it's to be believed that academics should be involved in university management, then getting younger ones involved seems to be a good start.

Thu 15 Jul 2004, 16:27 | Tags: Business, Politics, University Affairs, Academic Staff

The Issue: Does the Government understand what Universities are for?

By Professor Andrew Oswald, Department of Economics

I believe that the members of the present Cabinet, like the Conservatives before them, do not understand what universities are for. They want useful universities — ones that are practical, efficient, and focused on business needs.

The Debate on Globalisation

An invited audience from business and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) gathered in the centre of Birmingham on 5th November for the latest in the successful Warwick Debate series. The Warwick Debates and the Warwick Policy Briefings are events, organised by the University, and supported by the Financial Times, bringing together opinion formers to examine issues of national and international importance. It would be difficult to get more international than this Warwick Debate with its topic entitled Globalisation: problem or opportunity.
Tue 13 Jul 2004, 11:13 | Tags: Business Members, Politics

Seventh Heaven: Politics Success

The Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) scored full marks of 24 out of 24 in its subject review in the last week of the Autumn term. PAIS, which had the doubtful honour of being the final department at Warwick to be assessed under the current method of Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) subject review, became the seventh subject at the University to achieve a maximum score across all of the six aspects of provision.

Tue 13 Jul 2004, 11:06 | Tags: Awards and Distinctions, Politics, Education, University Affairs

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