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Fees for HE

Originally published 28 October 2002

During the last several weeks the University Council and Senate have been discussing funding issues. In particular, how the University might inform or respond to the Government's strategy paper (due before the end of the year) addressing the future funding of HE. No conclusions have yet been reached about potential funding mechanisms and Senate and Council continue to debate the issues.

The current under-funding of HE is now generally accepted as well as the need for a reform of student support. Current funding is inadequate for our future and whatever form future funding takes it must ensure that the most able students continue to benefit from a Warwick education, regardless of their background or financial circumstances.

Amongst the possible alternatives being considered by Government is allowing universities to charge additional fees and to provide scholarships to less well off students. The University is evaluating this option, but we shall not reach a conclusion in advance of viewing the strategy paper.