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Too many working lunches? Need a break to clear your head?

Originally Published 01 April 2003

You are not alone, the benefits of stopping to take a break are well known ? you come back to your work refreshed and ready for a more efficient afternoon.

We wouldn't dream of advising our students to work solidly, as we know that it affects productivity - so why do we expect to do it ourselves?

On campus we are fortunate to have a variety of eating establishments and a pleasant landscape.

Recent research by Office Angels proves that even a ten-minute walk can help to make you feel happier and more alert.

Let's face it though, we live and work in Britain and on typical days - a usual forecast by the Met Centre being: minimum 3ºC, maximum 13ºC with thunder storms -  you don't always want to be outside enjoying the wonders of nature!

This is where some of the University's other events and facilities come into play. Why not:

  • Attend Perspectives in the Mead Gallery - 15-minute lunchtime tours with prominent academics
  • Go to Brown Bag Lunches - lunchtime sessions, covering the functions of various departments and particular developments or initiatives of interest to staff across the University
  • Join one of the University's Sports classes - including volleyball, basketball and many different fitness classes
  • Lunch in the Sutherland Staff Lounge for a change of scene
  • Attend a free Lunchtime Concert in the Ensemble Room of the Music Centre

Campus Life has a lot to offer all of us ? why not take advantage of it?

If you run lunchtime activities that you would like advertised on insite then email


Jose Arroyo -
Gad Heuman -
Jonathan Vickery -

Lunchtime Concerts - in the Ensemble Room of the Music Centre
every Thursday of term 1.10 - 2.00pm. Entry is free and there is a great
variety of chamber music over the year. Details from the Music Centre.

Brown Bag Lunches -

Sports Classes -