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Over £12,000 Raised For Chinese Earthquake Victims

Last week, the University of Warwick Chinese Students and Scholars Association and the Hong Kong Society raised £12,249.50 for the victims of the recent earthquake in China.

Two money tins were placed in Scarman Building and the Teaching Centre from 10am to 4pm on the 22nd and 23rd of May - it is an unprecedented amount of money to have reached in such a short amount of time, speaking to the unparalleled generosity of University students and staff.

The University is home to over 1000 students from China and Hong Kong, making up 7% of the total student population. There are a further 1000 staff and family members also from China. The CSSA Warwick Society is the largest cultural society within the University - they sponsor, organize and support social activities.

President of CSSA Warwick, Yu Zeng, said: This is a joint effort of all the societies and departments, which most of all shows how good the Warwick staff and students are. I am very proud to be a Warwick student!

The money raised has been donated to the Red Cross Society of China and will be used to provide food and shelter to the estimated 5 million homeless victims.

For anyone wishing to donate directly, please go here.