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TEDx Warwick 2011

TEDx Warwick takes place on Saturday 5th March with an array of inspirational talks by prominent speakers from around the globe such as Tim Harford, author of 'The Undercover Economist' and weekly columnist for the Financial Times; Kevin Kallaugher, editorial cartoonist for The Economist; and Ben Hammersley, Editor at Large of Wired UK magazine.

TEDx was launched by the global organisation TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design) with the mission: "ideas worth spreading." TEDx allows independent groups to organise their own TED events and this year builds on the success of TEDx Warwick 09 and 10 which featured talks from famous figures including Philip Zimbardo (famous for the Stanford Prison Experiment); Francois Grey (Head of IT Communications at CERN); Sir Roger Penrose; and Noam Chomsky.  

Each TED talk challenges the speaker, in just 18 minutes, to radically change your way of thinking and open your eyes to new concepts and ideas. TEDx Warwick 11 promises to be an exciting and stimulating day of talks – the list of speakers is as follows:

Session 1 speakers (10:00-15:00):

Noam Kostucki - Social Entrepreneur, Co-Founder Seeducation & SeedPro.
Ben Hammersley - Editor at Large of Wired UK magazine, Principal of Dangerous Precedent, Director of Digital for Six Creative, Director of Campus Party USA.
Michael McMahon - Macroeconomist teaching at the University of Warwick, advisory member for the UK Higher Education Academy's Economics Network.
Charlie Price - Aquaponics UK, studying the role that aquaponics can play in the future of our collective food supplies.
Tim Harford - Author of 'The Undercover Economist', and writer of weekly column in the Financial Times, 'Dear Economist'.
Dr David Lloyd Owen - Founder and Managing Director of Envisager Limited, one of the world leading experts on the water and waste water industry.

Session 2 speakers (15:00 - 19:15):

Professor David Hargreaves - teaches at the Applied Music Research Centre, Roehampton University.
Gerd Leonhard - CEO of TheFuturesAgency, author, strategic advisor and a visiting Professor at Fundação Dom Cabral, São Paulo, Brazil.
Owen Daniel - Performer, entertainer and mathematician.
Mustafa Akyol - Turkish writer and political commentator.
Caroline Fiennes - Executive Director of Global Cool.
Kevin Kallaugher - Editorial cartoonist for The Economist.

Owing to the nature of such conferences, the lineup of speakers is subject to change.

More Information

For more information on the speakers, please visit the TEDx Warwick website.

Talks from TEDx Warwick 2010 on YouTube 


Date: Saturday 5 March 2011
Time: Session 1: 10am to 3:00pm
Session 2: 3:00pm to 7.15pm
Location: Lecture Theatre L3, Library
Summary: Fascinating talks from a wide range of speakers.
