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Thermal Stores at Warwick

As part of the University’s ongoing carbon reduction programme, thermal stores which aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 800 tonnes per year have recently been installed on central campus.  

Representing Warwick’s largest carbon saving project since the installation of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in 2001, the stores will stockpile surplus heat from the CHP system during off-peak times, which can then be released during peak times.

The thermal stores work by storing surplus heat from the CHP system in large water vessels behind the boiler house, which is then released during peak times. When there is less demand for heat, the surplus heat will be stored by charging up these large vessels of water. Then during peak times, the heat can be used to provide heating for buildings, as well as hot water for washing and showers.

The project aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 800 tonnes per year through reducing gas consumption by over 4 million kWh each year, equalling a £170,000 saving in Warwick’s annual gas bill.

Other current energy efficiency projects at Warwick:

Carbon Management Programme

  • Work is ongoing on a range of activities aimed at reducing Warwick’s carbon footprint.

Wind turbines

  • 2 small scale wind turbines were recently installed on campus – one at car-park 15 and the other next to Cryfield Farmhouse.

For further details, or to discuss specific energy-saving ideas, please contact