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The University of Warwick Celebrates International Women and Girls in Science Day with a competition for Year 12s to win an all expenses paid science trip to France

In honour of International Women and Girls in Science Day, The University of Warwick is delighted to announce the return of the XMaS Scientist Experience 2024, an opportunity for any Year 12 UK Physics and STEM students that identify as female to immerse themselves in the world of science.

Students from the 2023 trip
Launched in 2015, this nationwide opportunity encourages students to consider a future career in science. The trip allows students to experience science in real-world situations by visiting the European Sychrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France, on an all-expenses-paid four-day trip at the beginning of July.

Director of XMaS project, Professor Thomas has said: “Our aim is to encourage students to consider science careers, to foster a sense of community, and ultimately to encourage self-belief. We look for applicants who are curious about the world around them, who are creative and keen to learn more about science, in its broadest sense, and who are willing to share their enthusiasm. At the end of the experience, we hope they’ll be more confident in themselves and have a broader idea of what a career in science means and where it can take them.”

There are sixteen places available, applications are welcome before the closing date is the end of Sunday 25th February 2024. To find out more and for information on how to apply click here.

Sun 11 Feb 2024, 10:00 | Tags: Physics, STEM, XMaS Scientist Experience