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World’s brightest students to meet at Warwick to discuss some of the biggest challenges facing humanity

Some of the brightest young minds from around the world will gather at the University of Warwick to discuss how to solve some of the biggest challenges facing the globe.

Mon 03 Apr 2023, 13:52 | Tags: EUTOPIA, Event, events, International, undergraduates, vice chancellor

University of Warwick hosts Ukrainian networking event one year on from Russian invasion

The University of Warwick will host a networking event and panel discussion on Thursday 23rd February to mark one year since the invasion of Ukraine.

Tue 21 Feb 2023, 10:47 | Tags: International, Ukraine

UNESCO and L’Oréal honour Warwick student as top young female scientist

A postgraduate student from the University of Warwick, whose research focuses on understanding personality traits that widen the gender gap, has been recognised by a major international award as one of the most promising and inspiring young female scientists from the Middle East.

‘College knowledge hubs’ in rural India to open up higher education to disadvantaged communities

More young men and women from rural areas of India could gain informed access to higher education and better life chances, tackling age-old obstacles of gender, caste and class, thanks to a project led by the University of Warwick — and a half-million-pound boost from the Fair Chance Foundation.


UK and Australia sign trade deal – Monash Warwick Alliance set to benefit

The UK has signed an historic trade agreement with Australia, which includes unprecedented opportunities for academic researchers to work between the two countries — which will boost the already successful Alliance between the Universities of Warwick and Monash.

EUTOPIA takes major step towards integration with new mobility agreement

This week, a mobility agreement was signed between EUTOPIA's six founding universities: the University of Warwick, Pompeu Fabra University, CY Cergy Paris University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Gothenburg, and Univerza v Ljubljani.

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