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Happiness slides across Europe as speculation mounts on new UK Happiness Index

Emotional prosperity in Europe is falling, and this troubling fact needs to be faced by the European governments.  That is the conclusion from a new research report from Professor Andrew Oswald at the University of Warwick which documents cross-country evidence on psychological health and mental well-being. 

Midlands Company could solve mass vehicle recall problems

Last week Toyota announced a recall of more than 1.5 million cars worldwide over brake and fuel pump defects but a small new Midlands company Warwick  Analytics, which has spun out of the University of Warwick,  could solve, and even prevent, these massive recalls in future.
Sun 24 Oct 2010, 22:14 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

University of Warwick team launches 50th knowledge based company – the dearest to its heart

Warwick Ventures have launched 49  knowledge based spin-out companies employing over 170 staff and to celebrate its 50th launch it is launching a  significant  new company … itself
Tue 12 Oct 2010, 09:08 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

High Tech Cleanroom opening marks £10 million investment in energy efficient technology in Midlands

The University of Warwick will formally open its new “Science City Cleanroom for Energy Efficient Semiconductors”  today Friday  2nd of July.

Thu 01 Jul 2010, 23:11 | Tags: Sciences, Business Members

Work begins on £2.28m unique powertrain testing Christmas gift for Midlands

Work has begun on a unique £2.28m Vehicle Energy Facility for the Midlands which will be the UK’s only purpose built hybrid powertrain testing facility not owned and operated by an individual  automotive company.  The facility is being built in WMG at the University of Warwick and will be ready for a formal launch just before Christmas.
Wed 16 Jun 2010, 17:30 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

New book says hosting World Cup in 1994 transformed America into a soccer nation

A new book by Gary Hopkins, a member of the Advisory Board for Warwick Business School’s “Centre for Management in Sport ”at the University of Warwick, states that hosting the World Cup in 1994 changed the face and fortunes of soccer in the United States forever.
Wed 26 May 2010, 10:18 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members, Sport

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