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Ukrainian students at the University of Warwick come together to mark two years since the Russian invasion

A panel discussion will take place on Wednesday 21st February at the University of Warwick to mark two years since the invasion of Ukraine. The event will bring together Ukrainian staff and students along with refugees from the local community.

Mon 19 Feb 2024, 09:53 | Tags: Ukraine

Meet the new Ukrainian Student Society: Treasurer - Anna Kucher

My name is Anna, and I was born and raised in Ukraine.

I spent my early childhood in Kharkiv - east of Ukraine and near Poltava - where my grandparents live. When I turned six, and it was time for me to go to school, my family and I moved to Kyiv, where I then spent the next 11 years of my life completing my secondary education.

Fri 16 Feb 2024, 16:04 | Tags: Ukraine

Meet the new Ukrainian Student Society: President - Dmytro Kunchenko

My name is Dmytro, and I am the President of the Ukrainian Society at the University of Warwick. I am in the second year of my Philosophy, Politics and Economics degree. I am originally from Zaporizhzhia, an industrial city on the Dnipro River in the South of Ukraine, but I used to live in Stoianka, a village just outside of Kyiv, from when I started school until February 2022.

Fri 16 Feb 2024, 15:55 | Tags: Ukraine

Onion Crisis: Researchers Combatting Destructive Crop Disease Costing Farmers £10m Annually

Researchers at The University of Warwick are working to safeguard one of the world's most crucial crops – the humble onion. Amidst growing concerns over the threat posed by Fusarium Basal Rot (FBR), a team of experts from the University is embarking on a groundbreaking project, run by the British Onions Producer Agency (BOPA), aimed at saving our crops and revolutionising FBR detection.

Fri 16 Feb 2024, 11:49 | Tags: Life Sciences, crops

Games in the classroom and the boardroom: How ‘serious games’ are helping us learn

A team of researchers are encouraging us to swap textbooks for games, as they drive the application of games in learning, engagement and research.

Top university climbers to whizz up walls at The University of Warwick this weekend

The National Universities Lead and Speed Climbing Championships (NULSCC) event on Saturday 17th February is set to showcase some of the best UK climbing talent. Over 100 athletes from universities across the country will be taking part using the state-of-the-art climbing facilities at Warwick Sport and Wellness Hub, with the final rounds free to watch for public spectators

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