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Building hope through theatre and education – a view from South Sudan

Warwick will shine a spotlight on the importance of education and the arts in the world’s newest democracy, South Sudan, during a public event to be held at Warwick Arts Centre on Bank Holiday Monday (7 May).

Thu 03 May 2012, 12:14 | Tags: WBS, International, community, Arts, University Affairs and Events

The way medical symptoms are presented affects people's health judgements

New research from Dr Chris Olivola, Research Fellow in the Behavioural Science Group at Warwick Business School, finds that the order of online listings of medical symptoms influences how people perceive their health risks.

Wed 14 Mar 2012, 13:35 | Tags: WBS, Health and Medicine

Warwick Business School and Royal Shakespeare Company Announce Joint Venture for the Teaching of Shakespeare

Warwick Business School (WBS) and the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) announce a path breaking new partnership.

Mon 13 Feb 2012, 10:41 | Tags: WBS, Arts

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