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New Technology Identifies Warped Finger Prints at Warp Speed

Researchers at the University of Warwick have devised a means of identifying partial, distorted, scratched, smudged, or otherwise warped fingerprints in just a few seconds.

Mon 01 Oct 2007, 11:58 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Double Ministerial Visit to University of Warwick to Consult with Midlands Visionaries

Visionary Midlanders have attracted not one but two Ministers to visit the University of Warwick on Monday 1st October. Two of the government’s biggest champions of partnership between science and business; Science Minister Ian Pearson  and Minister for the Midlands Liam Byrne, both visit the University of Warwick campus to consult with key figures with a Vision for the region's future.

WMG and Arup Sign Agreement

WMG and Arup will  have signed an agreement  to work together to benefit business in the UK and around the world.
Mon 17 Sep 2007, 09:27 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Research says low paying jobs damage future employment prospects

New research by University of Warwick economist Professor Mark Stewart reveals that being in a low paying job damages your prospects of finding new employment as much as being in a sustained period of unemployment.

Management consultants are often 'more project workers than ideas people'

The popular impression that management consultants are key to spreading new ideas in organisations is exaggerated and misleading, according to a unique fly-on-the-wall study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Wed 01 Aug 2007, 11:21 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Nanotech Clay Armour Creates Fire Resistant Hard Wearing Latex Emulsion Paints

Researchers at the University of Warwick's Department of Chemistry have found a way of replacing the soap used to stabilize latex emulsion paints with nanotech sized clay armour that can create a much more hard wearing and fire resistant paint.

Thu 26 Jul 2007, 08:59 | Tags: Sciences, Business Members

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