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40 all out shock result – But we are talking football managers not cricket

New research by Warwick Business School shows that the dismissal rate of top football managers is accelerating. Dismissals during the period from June 2005 to the end of May 2006 rose to 40 managerial dismissals compared with 34 dismissals for the same period in 2004-05
Tue 30 May 2006, 17:29 | Tags: Business and Management, Sport

Disability Research Leads to Chip & Pin Shoulder Surfing Fraud Breakthrough

Research initially aimed to help partially sighted customers use chip & pin keypads has led to the creation of a device which will protect all customers from "Shoulder Surfing" - A method where a "criminally motivated" bystander can casually observe consumers secret PIN when paying for goods or services.
Tue 23 May 2006, 09:46 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Cheap Robots fuel Boom in Sales to US Small Businesses - but not in the UK

The latest survey of robot sales in the UK produced by British Automation and Robot Association (BARA), based at the University of Warwick, reveals UK small businesses are failing to exploit a significant fall in price of industrial robots at a time when US figures are showing record sales of robots to US small businesses.
Mon 15 May 2006, 11:22 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

7% of the robots sold in the UK are now on drugs

The latest survey of robot sales in the UK produced by British Automation and Robot Association (BARA), based at the University of Warwick, reveals that 7% of the robots sold in the UK are now on drugs. Pharmaceutical industry stands out clearly as being a significant growth area for UK robot sales against an overall robot sales market that appears relatively static.
Fri 12 May 2006, 14:52 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Queen's Award for University Science Park Boss

The man at the helm of the very successful University of Warwick Science Park has been honoured with one of the most prestigious industry awards.

Minister visits University to mark first national consulting award to a public sector organisation

Minister of Trade Ian Pearson is to make a special visit to the International Manufacturing Centre to personally present the first ever National Consulting Award to a public sector business advisory service - the B2B Centre.

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