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SME's Seize Back Control of their Websites Thanks to New Free DTI Backed Service

Small and Medium sized business are increasingly frustrated that their web sites are often at the mercy of third parties. They often have to pay for every change and wait for indefinite periods while updates wait in a queue. Accuracy has also been a problem, with costly mistakes taking just as long to rectify. Now a new free DTI backed consulting service will help West Midlands SME's seize back control of their web sites.
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 13:06 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

University of Warwick announce the appointment of the Acting Director of Warwick HRI

Professor Brian Thomas was named today as the Acting Director of Warwick HRI, when HRI Wellesbourne and Kirton join the University of Warwick on 1 April 2004.
Thu 05 Aug 2004, 13:53 | Tags: Business Members, University Affairs and Events

Researchers Say Hybrid Pick and Place Robots Could Be a Third Cheaper

Robot researchers have long looked at the science of Kinematics and particularly how it applies to parallel robotics as providing novel solutions to robotic problems. But now researchers at the University of Warwick and China's Tianjin University have used kinematic theory to produce a hybrid "rapid pick and place" robot that draws useful traits from both parallel and series robots and costs a third less than similar robots on the market.
Thu 05 Aug 2004, 12:12 | Tags: Sciences, Education, Business and Management, Business Members

Lambert Review Says Warwick One of UK's Most Entrepreneurial Universities

The Government's Lambert Review of Business-University Collaboration praised the University of Warwick for its close and effective work with business and industry describing the University of Warwick as "one of the most entrepreneurial universities in the country".

Research-TV Initiative "Highly Commended" by PR Industry

"Research-TV" - a unique project involving several of the UK's leading universities was this week short listed, and in the end "Highly Commended", in the broadcast category for the prestigious PRWeek Awards 2003.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 13:42 | Tags: Education, Business Members

Dismay at Collapse In UK Manufacturers Investment In Automation

The British Automation and Robot Association (BARA) based at the University of Warwick is greatly concerned with UN figures just published that show In 2002, robot investment in the United Kingdom plummeted by 61%. Across the world as a whole robot orders in first half of 2003 were up by 26% - The UK however lags behind with proportionally less robots engaged in the UK manufacturing industry than the US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, or even Austria.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 09:51 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

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