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Researchers Find That Superman's Teeth Can Superconduct

Researchers at the University of Warwick have found that phosphorus, an element commonly found in teeth, can act as a "superconductor" - but you would have to have the strength of Superman to clench your teeth hard enough for it to work - as it happens at a pressure of around 2.5 megabars - some 30,000 times harder than an ordinary human can clench their teeth.
Tue 03 Aug 2004, 15:50 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

UK Energy Network Must Move to Multi-Plant System to Meet Sustainability Targets

Recent massive power failures in the US, Sweden, Denmark, London, and Italy combined with environmental concerns are forcing the world to rethink energy policy so environmental and security objectives are met together, and the UK is no exception, says Dr Catherine Mitchell, a researcher with Warwick Business School.

New Research Says Being Top Dog Makes us Happier Than Simply Getting Top Dollar

New research by a group of economists and psychology researchers at the University of Warwick reveals that our rank position within an organisation has a bigger effect on our happiness within that job than the happiness generated by our actual level of pay. In short being top dog makes us happier than simply getting top dollar.

Gifted Kids First to Use New Training Aid for Nation's Soccer Stars

Gifted young people studying at the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth's Summer School at the University of Warwick will be the among the first to use a new simple but effective training aid designed to train up the next generation of UK soccer stars.
Mon 02 Aug 2004, 13:52 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members, Sport

Government Backed Business Centre: Now is the Time to Profit from Open Source Technology

Open source software is now mature and cost-effective; we must now ensure that businesses profit from this opportunity" so says Martin King-Turner, open source project leader at NB2BC (the government funded National Business to Business Centre at the University of Warwick) as it launched a major new initiative to help businesses gain the benefits of open source software.
Mon 02 Aug 2004, 10:08 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Death of Lord Butterworth of Warwick

Lord Butterworth of Warwick, 1918-2003: Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick, 1963-85

The University of Warwick has learnt with deep regret of the death on 19 June of its first Vice-Chancellor Lord 'Jack' Butterworth. In its short history, Warwick has risen to become one of the UK's leading universities with an outstanding record of innovation and achievement - a position due in no small measure to Lord Butterworth's leadership during its formative years.

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