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Press Releases

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Radical new voice in literary fiction secures publishing deal

Graduate of the Warwick Writing Programme Sophie Mackintosh has secured a publishing deal with Hamish Hamilton for her debut novel The Water Cure following a seven-way auction.

Tue 20 Jun 2017, 13:55 | Tags: Book, English, Warwick Writing Programme

Warwick researchers showcase independent film: Brown Willy

Researchers Dr Rachel Moseley, Director of the Centre for Television History, Heritage and Memory Research and Dr Gemma Goodman, Associate Fellow in nineteenth and twentieth century literature at the University of Warwick are presenting Cornwall in a new way.

Warwick support international Venetian literature festival

The University of Warwick has once again sponsored Venice's annual international literary festival Incroci di Civiltà running from 29 March to 1 April 2017.

Wed 19 Apr 2017, 10:33 | Tags: Faculty of Arts, Event, English, Arts

University of Warwick takes Shakespeare to Yosemite

The University of Warwick is in the process of creating a Campus in Placer County California but its researchers are already active in the research and cultural life of California, with one of them helping to bring Shakespeare to Yosemite National Park in time for the anniversary of both Shakespeare’s birthday and death on 23rd of April.

Tue 11 Apr 2017, 09:22 | Tags: Event, English, Warwick in California, Arts

Warwick launches cash prize to help transform translation into English

The University of Warwick is launching The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation, which will be awarded for the first time in November 2017. The prize aims to address the gender imbalance in translated literature and to increase the number of international women’s voices accessible by a British and Irish readership.

Mon 06 Mar 2017, 10:45 | Tags: Faculty of Arts, English, Translation, Arts

Warwick Honorary Graduate wins Oscar for Best Adapated Screenplay

Tarell McCraney, University of Warwick Honorary Graduate and former Warwick/RSC International Playwright in Residence for two years at the CAPITAL Centre, has won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for Moonlight.

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