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Press Releases

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Fungus Foot Baths Could Save Bees

One of the biggest world wide threats to honey bees, the varroa mite, could soon be about to meet its nemesis. Researchers at the University of Warwick are examining naturally occurring fungi that kill the varroa mite. They are also exploring a range of ways to deliver the killer fungus throughout the hives from bee fungal foot baths to powder sprays.
Fri 25 Jul 2008, 14:45 | Tags: Sciences, Horticulture and Agriculture

Engineers Create 3D Model to Help Biologists Combat Blue Tongue Virus

A large 3D model of the Blue Tongue virus has been created by WMG engineering researchers at the University of Warwick that will help biologists devise new ways to combat the virus and protect millions of livestock from infection.
Mon 23 Jun 2008, 17:24 | Tags: Sciences, Horticulture and Agriculture

Researcher condemns European Commission for turning down boost for biopesticides

University of Warwick researcher Professor Wyn Grant has condemned the European Commission's decision to reject two amendments from the European Parliament designed to help the wider use of biologically based pesticides on European crops.

£600,000 Research Programme to Stop Wipe Out of Key Kenyan Crops

Researchers at the University of Warwick’s plant science department,  Warwick HRI, have been given just over £600,000 to help protect two key Kenyan food crops - Kale and cabbage that frequently have complete harvests wiped out by Black Rot.
Fri 22 Feb 2008, 11:57 | Tags: Sciences, Horticulture and Agriculture

Warwick Researchers in £6 million programme to help crops cope with climate change

The UK’s main public funder of life science research, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), has today announced that it is to award the University of Warwick over £6 million to undertake research to help crops cope with climate change.
Tue 27 Nov 2007, 09:31 | Tags: Sciences, Horticulture and Agriculture

Bureaucracy threatens farmersÂ’ green revolution

Britain could throw away a lead in biopesticides because of outmoded styles of regulation, researchers at a University of Warwick conference have warned today (31 October 2007).

Biopesticides – Green pest control using natural predators such as insects, fungi and bacteria – are the subject of a conference for scientists and industry experts at the University of Warwick this week ‘Biopesticides, the Regulatory Challenge’.

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