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Nuneaton Woman Completes Part Time Degree Despite Giving Birth Three Times on the Way....

Dawn with her three children, Sophie, Sam, and Chloe
Dawn with her three children,
Sophie, Sam, and Chloe
Originally Published 23 July 1999

Completing a part time degree as a mature student is in itself an achievement to be proud of. However, if like Dawn Joyner from Bucks Hill in Nuneaton, you really want to impress people, you must also give birth not once, not twice, but three times during your degree programme!

Dawn Joyner, has just completed a part-time degree in English and Cultural Studies at the University of Warwick. She took 6 years to complete her degree and during that time somehow managed to fit in having three children. Dawn who is photographed here with her three children, Sophie 4, Sam 2 and Chloe 5 months, says "I was relieved that my youngest children were born during reading weeks at the University, which meant I didn’t have to miss any time from my courses. I also had great support from my husband."

Dawn deservedly reached her goal of achieving a 2i degree and attended the graduation at the university on Thursday with her husband and eldest daughter Sophie, who she hopes will follow in her footsteps. Dawn intends to have some time with her family and then, in 2 years time, hopes to start a Masters Degree at the University.

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