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CHapel We are fortunate in having Anglican, Free Church and Catholic Chaplains at Warwick. The Anglican and Free Church Chaplains jointly host 'Church on Campus'. In addition to providing Catholic and Anglican/Free Church services, all our Christian Chaplains work together to host festivals, retreats and bible-studies throughout the year.

Catholic Chaplaincy

Anglican & Free Church Chaplaincy

Fr. Simon BakerLink opens in a new window

Catholic Chaplain


Rev'd Annie McCormick

Anglican Chaplain

Rev'd Mark Rowland

Free Church Chaplain

If you would like to find out more about Christianity, please contact one of our Chaplains (details on this page).

Student Faith Societies

There are a number of Faith Societies who cater for different traditions within the Christian faith. Click on the links to find out more on the Students' Union website.

Catholic SocietyLink opens in a new window 

Warwick Christian UnionLink opens in a new window

First Love WarwickLink opens in a new window

PENSA WarwickLink opens in a new window

Facilities on campus

The Chapel contains a simple Cross of Nails, Icons and an Altar. It's used by our Anglican and Free Church Chaplains for the Wednesday mid-week communion, and by our Catholic Chaplains for Mass on occasions. When it's not otherwise being used, you can use the chapel for quiet prayer or reflection.

The Central Space and Westwood Multi-Faith Prayer Room can be booked by Faith Societies, subject to availability. Other rooms across campus can be booked via the Central University Booking SystemLink opens in a new window. During the day, staff and students can use these spaces and the Multi-Faith Prayer Room on Gibbet Hill campus alongside others.

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