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Li Xiaoming Bursary

Li Xiaoming Bursary

Li Xiaoming graduated from Warwick in 2009. He was tragically killed in the devastating Haiti earthquake of 2010 whilst serving his country as a United Nations Peacekeeper. Li Xiaoming was an exceptional student with an outstanding career ahead of him, he was also a compassionate and caring individual who was very popular with all those at Warwick who knew him. This bursary is in memory of a much-missed student.

Li Xiaoming dedicated his life to serving his country. Therefore, as well as being an outstanding student and from the People's Republic of China, this bursary will be awarded to the student who is able to demonstrate how their study at Warwick and future career will contribute to society.

Calls for nominations from departments will be open in May 2024.

Award Details

The University of Warwick will offer one Li Xiaoming Bursary for the 2024/25 academic year, worth up to £20,000.

This bursary will be provided in the form of payment of up to £20,000 towards tuition fees.

Please note that applicants cannot apply directly for this bursary.


Applicants must:

  • Be a national of the People's Republic of China
  • Have applied for a taught masters course starting October 2024.
  • Demonstrate how their study at Warwick and future career will contribute to society.


  1. Eligible applicants will automatically be considered for this bursary by their academic department.
  2. Departments may nominate one candidate for the Li Xiaoming Bursary by 7th June 2024.
  3. Results will be communicated to departments and the successful scholar by the end of June 2024.