Accessibility Updates
This page contains important updates that may affect accessibility at the University of Warwick. Note, some items will expire after works are completed.
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4 March: Ramphal lift is back in service
The Ramphal Building lift is now operational following last week's breakdown.
14 Jan: Temporary closure of an accessible bay at the rear of Ramphal Building
14-22 January: A single accessible bay at the rear of Ramphal will be temporarily closed for approximately one week due to HV diversion ducting works nearest to the the pathway/Material Analytic Sciences building.
Reduction in the number of accessible parking bays at the rear of the Humanities building from four to two.
From 28 October 2024: due to reduced building occupancy and planned demolition of the Humanities building, as well as increased service demands in the area, we will be reducing the number of accessible parking bays at the rear of the Humanities building from four to two and increasing the number of service bays. Frequent monitoring has shown that these bays are not being used, largely due to the reduced occupancy levels of the building. The two remaining accessible bays will be retained until the remaining building occupants are relocated. Alternative accessible bays can be found at the rear of Senate House.
Faculty of Arts Building Lifts and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans
Update on the lifts in the Faculty of Arts Building and information about the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan process.
Map of blue badge spaces on campus
A map of blue badge bays on campus has been added onto our accessibility parking page to indicate where blue badge spaces can be located. This is on Google Maps software. So Blue badge holders can now locate where the nearest accessible space is to their building location.
Changing Places Toilets at Warwick
Happy Changing Places Awareness Day!
We are very proud to have 6 Changing Places Facilities across our campuses at the University of Warwick, including one opening soon in Warwick Arts Centre and one under construction in the New Faculty of Arts Building. Find out more about all of our Changing Places, including 360-degree photos, here.
Mathematical Sciences Building - Upgrade Works to Accessible Facilities
The ground floor accessible toilet and shower in the Mathematical Sciences Building has been upgraded to make the space into a "Space to Change", a smaller version of a "Changing Places" facility.
Defibrillators across Campus
Just a quick reminder that there are a number of defibrillators around campus. The details of their locations are found on this link here.Link opens in a new window
New Library All Gender and Accessible Toilets
Descriptions and location of new toilets in the library on Central Campus.
Refuge Points on Campus Maps
Locations of refuge points in buildings around campus.